constitutional law

Italian Constitutional Court

Official website of the Italian Constitutional Court. This site includes information about the work of the court including brief biographical details of its President, Vice President and judges. A calendar of public hearings and closed sessions is given along with court pronouncements and summaries (in Italian only) of judgements back to 1956. Recent judgements (from 2006 onwards), felt to be of interest to foreign users, can be viewed in English in full text.

Constitution of Azerbaijan

English translation of the Azerbaijan Constitution, provided by the University of Bern's International Constitutional Law (ICL) website. The Constitution was adopted in 1995 and covers the people's power, basic rights, liberties and responsibilities, the basis of legislative, executive and judicial power and local self government in Azerbaijan. There are links to the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan and the President's website, along with brief background information to the Constitution.

Draft EU Convention: Full documentation Vols I & II and explanatory reports on amendments

Text of the Convention on the Future of Europe's ultimately unsuccessful European Union constitutional treaty, with related documents, on the website of Statewatch, an organisation devoted to investigative journalism and critical research in Europe in the fields of the state, justice and home affairs, civil liberties, accountability and openness. The site provides the text of the draft treaty, explanatory notes and details of amendments. In addition there are critiques and commentary from Statewatch. The site is in English.

Does the European Union Have a Constitution? Does It Need One?

Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 5/2000 by Jean-Claude Piris, published on the website of New York University Law School's Jean Monnet Centre for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice. The paper discusses constitutional issues relating to the European Union. This includes an examination of whether the founding treaties of the EU constitute a 'constitution' and how they could be strengthened.

European Constitutional Law Network

The European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) was set up by Professor Ingolf Pernice of the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law, Berlin. It is an academic forum on European constitutional law. The website has links to constitutions of EU member states and future member states. Countries are listed alphabetically, with each constitution presented in English and in the original language; some texts are also in French, German, Spanish and/or Italian.

Boundaries Scotland

The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland (LGBCS) is an Advisory Non-departmental Public Body funded by the Scottish Government. Its job involves carrying out statutory reviews of electoral and administrative arrangements, monitoring electoral arrangements and responding to requests for ad hoc reviews of electoral or administrative arrangements. The site contains maps of all local government electoral wards in Scotland, relevant legislation, reports of reviews carried out, annual reports and minutes of meetings.

Consejo General del Poder Judicial

Website of the Spanish General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) which includes information about the CGPJ, the Supreme Court and the High Courts of Justice.There is organisational information, news, cases and details of publications. Information on the individual High Courts can be accessed via a clickable map of the regions. The site is available in Spanish only.

Constitutional Court of Hungary

Official website of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. The site is available in Hungarian and English and provides information on the organisation, procedures and functions of the Court. It includes the Hungarian Constitution, the Act on the Constitutional Court and the Court's rules of procedure, together with a selection of decisions dating from 1992 onwards. It also has profiles of members and former members of the Court, along with a selection of links.

Constitutional Court of Romania

Official website of the Constitutional Court of Romania. The site has background information on the establishment of the Romanian Constitution and Constitutional Court. Details are provided covering the Court's function and composition (including profiles of its members), information on the work of the court and a statistical breakdown of its rulings and decisions. Selected decisions of the Court are available in full text PDF on a yearly basis from 1992 onwards to date. The site also has a copy of the Romanian Constitution and online versions of related legislation.

Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Website of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts an association established in 1972 to promote the exchange of ideas among European constitutional courts and other organisations with constitutional jurisdiction. The Conference holds a regular three-yearly Congress along with other specialised conferences "with a view to sharing experience as regards constitutional practice jurisprudence in a general European context".

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