constitutional law

Legal Acts of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania

These full-text legislative documents are presented on the website of the Seimas (Assembly) of the Republic of Lithuania and include the Constitution, the Statute of the Seimas and a database of Lithuanian legislation. The Constitution is presented in English but other legislation is available in Lithuanian only. The database of Lithuanian legislation is searchable by institution, by language, title words or keywords. The site can be viewed in English and Lithuanian.

Supreme Court of the Republic of Estonia

Web pages in English of the Supreme Court of Estonia, which derives its powers and competence from the Constitution of Estonia of 1992, and which had its first open session in May 1993. The site presents basic information about the Court: its composition, its two chambers (the Constitutional Review Chamber and the Civil, Criminal and Administrative Law Chamber), its appeals selection process, its history, and legal foundation and competence. It gives statistics on the number of applications and judgements made between 1993 and 1997.

Schweizerisches Bundesgericht

The main purpose of this website is to give access to the full-text of reports of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. The Court's main functions are deciding on constitutional law matters in Switzerland, and hearing appeals in federal law matters. The period covered is 1954- to date (with reports back to 1875 linked to on another site) and the reports are available and searchable in French, German and Italian. The interface / presentation are available in these languages also.

Congreso de los Diputados

Website of the Congreso de los Diputados, the assembly of elected members of the Spanish Parliament. The site contains detailed information on the function, composition and work of the parliament. It includes biographies of Diputados from 1810 onwards, links to TV webcasts from the chamber, details of legislation passing through Parliament, Biblioteca Digital: a digital library containing all available full-text publications of the parliamentary library (registration is required) Intervenciones: a database of parliamentary speeches and interventions.

Constitution of the Slovak Republic 1992

Web pages containing the full-text in English of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, as passed by the Slovak National Council on 1 September, and signed on 3 September, 1992. The Constitution is set out under the following headings: basic provisions, rights and freedoms, the economy, the Supreme Control Office, territorial self-administration, legislative power, executive power, government, judicial power, the courts, the Prosecutor's Office, and special provisions.

Constitution of Greece

English translation of the Constitution of Greece, archived from the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs website and now available on the Hellenic Resources Network site. The Constitution is made up of basic provisions, individual and social rights, organisations and functions of the State, and special provisions.

BIJUS: Dokumentarische Schnittstelle zweier Rechtskulturen

BIJUS is a joint project between the Universities of Saarland in Germany and Nancy in France to promote communication between French and German lawyers. The first part is a bibliography to enable German lawyers to search for books on French law by using terms in German. The reverse is available in French. The second part provides a small selection of full-text key legislation in both French and German. All information is freely available and does not require registration or payment.

Medieval Sourcebook : Laws of William the Conqueror

The text of the Laws of William the Conqueror established in consultation with his magnates after the conquest of England. The laws affirm faith in God and a desire for peace between the English and Normans and also affirm the law of King Edward in respect of lands and possessions. Among its decrees are loyalty to the King, the King's protection of his subjects, the conduct of relations between the English and the French, and the treatment of offenders. The full-text (HTML) is available on the Medieval Sourcebook, hosted by Fordham University in the United States.

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