constitutional law

Charter of Liberties of Henry I, 1100

Full text of the Charter of Liberties of Henry I, 1100, issued by the King when he ascended the throne. The Charter granted the laws of Edward the Confessor, as amended by William the Conqueror, to the people, and established the rule of law in England. The Charter was an important pre-cursor to Magna Carta. This text is available on the Medieval Sourcebook, hosted by Fordham University in the United States.

Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal

An electronic refereed law journal published by the Faculty of Law at North-West University in South Africa. Articles by legal scholars focus on constitutional and development law in South Africa and may be written in Afrikaans, German, English or Dutch. The site presents the current volume and a collection of earlier issues from volume 1 (1998) onwards. Recent articles have examined the enforcement of socio-economic rights in South Africa, matrimonial property regimes and the effect of globalisation on the development of constitutionalism in South Africa.

Famous Trials

Website compiled by Doug Linder, Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, for educational and non-commercial purposes. Provides materials relating to famous trials, mostly American, ranging in date from the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692, to the Clinton Impeachment Trial of 1999. World trials are also featured e.g. the trials of Socrates and Galileo and the Nuremburg Trials.


The Monitor (ISSN 1465-4377) is an online newsletter produced by the Constitution Unit, an independent research body on constitutional change in the UK based at University College, University of London. Monitor presents news on matters relating to UK parliamentary reform, devolved legislatures, elections and party funding, freedom of information and human rights. Issues are available in PDF from 1997 onwards. The site includes a link to the Constitution Unit's website.

American Criminal Law Review

The American Criminal Law Review is a leading US print journal of criminal law published by students at the Georgetown University Law Center. The journal is produced four times a year and features articles by professors, practitioners and others that aim to provide timely treatment of significant developments in constitutional and criminal law. Each Spring ACLR also publishes an annual survey of white collar crime. The website gives contents listings from volume 34 onwards with subscription and submission details.

Rutgers Law Journal

The Rutgers Law Journal is the law review for the Rutgers University School of Law at Camden, USA and is edited by second and third year students. Each annual volume of the Law Journal comprises 4 issues, with each issue containing a collection of articles, notes, book reviews, development pieces and comments. Articles concentrate on current and interesting legal scholarship as well as some interdisciplinary topics of particular interest to the legal community. A special annual issue on State Constitutional Law under the supervision of Professor Robert F.

Impeachment: a Constitutional Primer

This site contains the full-text of an article by Jason J. Vicente which was published in 1998 by the Cato Institute, an independent US based public policy institute. It traces the constitutional and historical origins of the process of impeachment in the United States and then discusses its use in practical situations. These include the case of Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Consideration is also given as to whether impeachment might occur in relation to Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky case . Users should note that this article is only offered in PDF.

Constitutional Council of France

Website of the French Conseil Constitutionnel, a permanent French court created by the Constitution of the 5th Republic on 4th October 1958. The Court has powers to decide on the lawfulness of presidential elections and the conduct of referendums, and can give its opinions when consulted by the French head of state. The site offers details of the Conseil's current business and recent decisions (Actualit?s), and gives a direct link to the Constitution of 1958.

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