
Victorian Bar

Website of the Victorian Bar a professional association representing barristers practising in Victoria, Australia. The site has information about the Bar including a copy of the constitution, practice rules and regulations, annual reports and details of the Bar's Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme. An online membership directory provides contact details of barristers and chambers. Full text copies of the Bar newsletter, In Brief, are made freely available online in PDF format containing articles, book reviews and news from the Bar.

Hong Kong Bar Association

The Hong Kong Bar Association is the professional organisation for barristers in Hong Kong. Its website provides information about the work of a barrister and has a directory of Hong Kong barristers and barristers' chambers. There are also lists of mediators and arbitrators. Information about the Association includes its rules and regulations, Code of Conduct and annual reports. There is a selection of speeches, articles and press releases along with information about pupillage.

New South Wales Bar Association

Website of the New South Wales Bar Association a professional organisation representing practising barristers in New South Wales, Australia. The site has information about the association including the constitution, annual reports back to 1998, a list of members and office holders, details of various committees and statistical profiles of the NSW bar. For it's members the association arranges continuing professional education and details of various training programmes, seminars and conferences are made available on the site.

Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) is a UK-based organisation for lawyers of all types, and law students. Its website provides information for members of the public who have suffered an injury, a searchable directory of personal injury lawyers, APIL's responses to government consultations, information about its parliamentary work and particular campaigns, details of product recalls and other information. Parts of the site are restricted to APIL members only.

Chancery Bar Association

Website of the London based Chancery Bar Association (ChBA ) which represents barristers in private practice whose work is associated with the Chancery Division of the High Court. Members of the ChBA are listed in the Chancery Bar Association Directory which is available on the website. There is an alphabetical and regional listing of chambers along with an alphabetical listing of individual barristers. There is a future events listing and copies of the ChBA's Conditional Fee Agreements are available to download in Word.

Personal Injuries Bar Association

Web pages of the Personal Injuries Bar Association (PIBA) a professional organisation open to barristers which holds meetings and seminars relating to personal injuries issues. The website makes a selection of full-text articles on personal injuries available in PDF along with details on how to join and contact details for officers of PIBA. Members of PIBA can access the members' area which is password protected.

Administrative Law Bar Association

Web pages of the Administrative Law Bar Association (ALBA) a Specialist Bar Association for public law. ALBA draws its membership from barristers, judges, solicitors, academics and students. Articles by members are available on the site, along with responses to consultation papers. There is also a newsletter and a copy of the Association's Constitution.

Western Circuit

Website of the Western Circuit, one of six Circuits in England and Wales, representing barristers practising in the South and South West of England. The site provides profiles of the Circuit officers, details of courses run by the Circuit and links to member chambers. A pamphlet details the work of the Western Circuit Free Representation Unit. This service offers free representation at tribunals for people recommended by Citizen's Advice Bureaux on the Western Circuit.

Wales and Chester Circuit

Website of the Wales and Chester Circuit, one of six Circuits in England and Wales, representing barristers working in Wales and Cheshire. The site provides background information the work of the barrister, the Bar Council and the Wales and Chester Circuit. There is a database of members which can be searched by chambers, individuals and specialisation. The records give contact details and brief profiles of individual members. There is a Circuit diary and a page of web links.

Commercial Bar Association

Website of the London based Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR) an organisation representing barristers who work in the field of international or commercial law. The site provides background information on COMBAR, the Commercial Bar, the work of a barrister and services offered by commercial barristers. The COMBAR Directory lists the chambers and individual barristers who are members of COMBAR. Publications including speeches, responses and articles can be downloaded from the site in full text along with conference papers.

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