
Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry

The Bar Association for Commerce, Finance and Industry (BACFI) represents barristers employed in a commercial environment in England and Wales, as well as non-practising barristers, self-employed barristers, students, overseas lawyers working in the UK and retired barristers. The Association's website gives details of officers and members of the General Committee and contact details of BACFI members from a range of industries who are able to provide careers advice to other members.

KC Appointments

Website providing information about the process for the award of King's Counsel, the mark of excellence for advocates in the higher courts of England and Wales. Includes a description of the selection process and guidance for applicants and referees, along with practical information such as a timetable and fees. There are profiles of members of the King's Counsel Selection Panel and a copy of the competency framework against which applicants are considered.

Bar Standards Board

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) regulates barristers in England and Wales. Its areas of responsibility include education and training requirements for barristers, setting standards of professional conduct and handling complaints against barristers. Its website provides information for barristers and the general public, including details of the qualifications required to become a barrister, advice on how to make a complaint and information about continuing professional development.

General Council of the Bar of South Africa

Website of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa (GCBSA), the professional organisation for advocates in South Africa. Includes an overview of the South African legal system and information about careers and training. The 'Legal Practice Act' page provides a compilation of documents such as bar examination syllabuses and a proposal for practical vocational training.The Rules of Professional Ethics are also available, and there is a page of information about judicial nominees.

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