
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and began operating on July 2, 1965. The website hosts a wealth of information about the EEOC including; information on its structure and history, details of its training programme, detailed legal guidance on job discrimination issues, a range of relevant statistics and a very useful index of EEOC press releases.

Asia Foundation

The Asia Foundation is based in San Francisco; it seeks to further the mutual interests of the US and the Asia Pacific region. The Foundation's main areas of interest are governance, law, civil society, economic reform and development, international relations and women's political participation. The website gives information about the programmes it funds, news of its activities and events and a list of its publications, many of which are freely available online.

USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse

This is a service by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Development Experience Clearinghouse is a searchable database containing reports in the field of international development. It contains over 33,000 USAID reports and reports submitted by academic institutions, charities, companies, and various other organisations. The documents are divided into subject categories including: economic growth, agriculture and trade; global health; and democracy, conflict and humanitarian assistance.

Legal Ethics Research Guide

A guide to legal ethics research prepared by Hyla Bondareff, Research Services Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the Washington University, School of Law Library. This is one of a collection of guides designed to suggest relevant print and electronic sources supporting seminars conducted as part of the teaching programme at the School of Law. Most of the guide is focused on legal ethics resources (books, periodicals, subscription databases) held at the Washington University School of Law Library but includes a list of ethics websites.

Human Rights Research Guide

A guide to human rights research by Hyla Bondareff, Research Services Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the Washington University School of Law Library. Includes links to international human rights resources, key human rights documents, organisations such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe, and online collections of human rights documents are linked to. There are also lists of other human rights resource guides and human rights groups.

International Society of Family Law

Web pages describing the aims and work of scholarly society the International Society of Family Law (Association Internationale de Droit de la Famille, or Internationale Gessellschaft fur Familienrecht). The website is hosted at Brigham Young University in the United States. It provides information about membership and key officers, together with details of publications and conferences, copies of the ISFL Family Letter and a page of web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

Information Society Project

Website of the Information Society Project (ISP), a research project managed by the Yale Law School. The ISP is concerned with the "implications of the Internet and new information technologies for law and society, guided by the values of democracy, human development, and social justice". Research programmes look at digital education, law and genomics and intellectual property reform and innovation. Papers prepared by research staff can be downloaded in full-text PDF.

Boston College International and Comparative Law Review

The Boston College International and Comparative Law Review is a biannual journal publishing commentary on international and EU law issues. It includes articles by both students and academics. Each spring issue of the journal features articles on a variety of international and comparative law topics; each winter issue is a survey of European Union developments. The website makes available several old issues of the journal (1999 to 2002), free of charge.


LawMoose is a free online resource guide provided by Pritchard Law Webs, a commercial company providing legal firms with web services. The site has sections focusing on legal information for Minnesota, Wisconsin and a World Legal Resource Center. The Minnesota and Wisconsin sections include links to state law, courts, government sites, forms, lawyers and to general legal reference resources. The World Legal Resource Center can be browsed by country or searched by keyword and provides links to other resource guides.

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organisation which seeks to protect human rights all over the world. Its website provides up to date information on its work as well as access to many of its publications.

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