
Prevent Genocide International

Website of Prevent Genocide International, a non-profit education organisation with an ultimate aim to prevent genocide. The website provides educational material about Genocide - including the legal definitions and the major writings by Dr Raphael Lemkin for the years from 1933-1947. It also includes the text of the Genocide Convention, domestic laws implementing the Genocide Convention, documents and articles related to the prevention and punishment of Genocide (including the 1985 Whittaker Report). Groups of people covered include Armenians, Roma, Kurds and Bosnians.

Genocide Watch

Genocide Watch is a non-governmental organisation which campaigns against genocide. Its website includes news items, the text of the Genocide Convention, background information about genocide and analysis of areas where genocide is happening or is at risk of developing. A current project is focusing on the Cambodian Genocide; a section of the website is devoted to this.

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation

A guide to basic legal citation written by Peter W. Martin and made available in HTML on the Legal Information Institute website at Cornell Law School, New York, USA. The guide is aimed at law students and deals with the citation of 'contemporary U.S. legal material'. It is based on 'The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation' (2005) which is the definitive work on legal citation. The guide was last revised in May 2007.

Islamic Family Law Project

The Islamic Family Law Project website is based at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. The Project surveyed the application of Islamic family law in a selection of countries and explored the possibilities for reform. A regional breakdown of Islamic countries around the world is given on the site, with a profile of each region consisting of historical and religious background, family issues, legal practices and institutions and a list of references.

Center on Children, Families, and the Law (The)

The Center on Children, Families, and the Law is located at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It conducts research into public policy and the law relating to children and families. Selected publications are available on the website, including Nebraska Revised Statutes: Selected Provisions Pertaining to Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Vulnerable Adults (known as the "Red Book").

Center for Computer- Assisted Legal Instruction

The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction is a United States consortium of more than 180 law schools, established in 1982 by the University of Minnesota Law School and Harvard Law Schools. CALI 'researches and develops computer-mediated legal instruction and supports institutions and individuals using technology in legal education'. The main product is the CALI Lessons collection of over 850 interactive tutorials on more than 20 different legal subject areas (with the emphasis on United States law), which are available to purchase.

Institute for Law School Teaching

The Institute for Law School Teaching is a professional organisation based at Gonzaga University School of Law in Spokane, Washington, USA. The Institute was established in 1991 to improve the quality of teaching and learning in legal education by providing guidance and setting standards. Details of the Institute's goals appear on the site along with the 'Seven Principles for Good Practice in Legal Education'. Ideas for teaching law are explained, including concept mapping, cooperative learning groups and multiple-choice quizzes.

Researching Tajik law: a guide to the Tajik legal system

A guide to the legal system and legal materials of the Republic of Tajikistan, by Nargis Bozorova, Assistant Coordinator of the Law Program of the Tajik Branch of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation). First published in 2002, it is now in the archive section of LLRX (Law Library Resource Xchange, a free online journal for legal information professionals). The author offers brief notes on the history, geography and religion of the region; describes the basic structure of the Tajik legal system, types of legislation and government sources.

Law by source: federal

Online guide to federal law sources on the internet prepared by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law Library and made freely available on the web. Links are given to federal legal materials available on the Legal Information Institute's own site including the US Code and Supreme Court decisions and to the websites of executive, judicial and legislative federal government agencies.

American Society for Legal History

Web pages for the American Society for Legal History, a professional organisation seeking to further scholarship, teaching and study relating to all legal systems. ASLH draws its membership from teachers, academics, practitioners and students interested in legal history. Details of the ASLH officers, directors and committee members are provide, along with information on conferences and links to related websites.

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