
ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section

Website of the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) which is a section of the American Bar Association. The site has organisational information including details of committees, events, discussion groups and membership information. There is a list of recently published books and separate sections aimed at young lawyers and students. Details are given of TIPS journals along with full text (PDF) access to TortSource the TIPS newsletter.

American Tort Reform Association

The Washington D.C.-based American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) is dedicated to reforming the law of tort and liability. Documents available on the site include a record of tort reform in individual states and facts about the tort system and its impact on the US economy. The ATRA's annual report is also provided, detailing litigation abuse in US states. The site also features background information about class actions, medical liability and punitive damages. There are also press releases and a section providing brief summaries of 'loony lawsuits'.

Indonesian Legal System: An Overview

Online guide to the Indonesian legal system, by Dr. Benny S. Tablujan, Associate Professor in Business Law at the Nanyang Business School in Singapore. This article was published in the features section of in December 2002. The guide gives background information to the Indonesian government, Constitution, legislation and court system. There is also information relating to the Indonesian legal profession and advice for people researching Indonesian law. (Law Library Resource Xchange) is a free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Croatian Legal System and Legal Research

Online guide to the Croatian legal system written by Dunja Kuecking who is head of the Center for Legal Research and Documentation at Intellectio Luris a Croatian legal database, Milivoje Zugic a specialist in land registry law and Marija Glibota a legal information specialist at Intellectio Iuris. The guide is published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. : A Project of the Independent Institute

This website is concerned with the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and its control over the licensing of new drugs and devices. It has been written by two American academics associated with the Independent Institute, Dr D Klein and Dr A Tabarrok. The site contains an evaluation of the costs and benefits of FDA policy, a detailed history of the FDA, a review of the major plans for FDA reform, a glossary of terms, a collection of quotes from economists who have studied the FDA, and a bibliography.

Guide to Caribbean Law Research

Online guide to researching Caribbean law written by Yemisi Dina who is Head of Public Services at the Osgoode Hall Law Library, York University, Ontario in Canada. The guide is published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author covers all the dependent and independent Caribbean states describing their legal and court systems, sources of legislation and law reports.

Guide to legal research in Costa Rica

Online guide to legal research in Costa Rica written by Roger A. Petersen, a partner with Petersen & Philps of San Jose, Costa Rica, and published on New York University's Globalex website. The author presents a brief history of Costa Rica and background to the structure of government, the Constitution and the judiciary. There are sections on local government, the National Registry, political parties and elections.

Tribal Court Clearinghouse

Website of the Tribal Court Clearinghouse which is produced by the Tribal Law Policy Institute and acts as a resource for "American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, American Indian and Alaska Native people, tribal justice systems, victims services providers, tribal service providers, and others involved in the improvement of justice in Indian country." The site contains links to articles, Tribal Court decisions, Supreme Court Indian Decisions, relevant Federal laws and agencies and pending Federal legislation.

U.S. Department of Justice : Office of Tribal Justice

Official website of the Office of Tribal Justice which was "established to provide a single point of contact within the Justice Department for meeting the broad and complex federal responsibilities owed to Indian tribes." Background information on the role and functions of the OTJ along with a selection of statements from the the Attorney General and the White House on American Indian issues and press releases relating to tribal matters.

American Immigration Council

The American Immigration Council (formerly the American Immigration Law Foundation) which was founded in 1987 and is based in Washington DC in the United States. Full text copies of the AILF's monthly newsletter are given on the site back to 1999 along with a selection of policy reports on American Immigration. The Legal Action Center provides information aimed at lawyers involved with immigration litigation including practice advisories (practical guides to certain aspects of immigration law), briefs and other legal resources.

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