
Trusts and Trustees

Website of Trusts and Trustees, a monthly journal published by Oxford University Press, providing information and comment for trust and investment advisors. The website has the journal's contents pages back to 2001, brief summaries of articles and selected full-text articles. There is also a selection of summaries of court decisions relating to trusts. Contact details are given for trust advisors in various jurisdictions along with subscription information and details of the journal's editorial advisors.

Land and Property Services

Website of the Land and Property Services (formerly Land Registers of Northern Ireland) a government agency whose purpose is to "record accurate details of legal interest in land in Northern Ireland". The service is made up of three registries- the Statutory Charges Registry, the Land Registry and the Registry of Deeds. The site explains the land registration systems in Northern Ireland and how to carry out searches. There is a glossary of terms and a selection of FAQs.

Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities

The Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) is a style guide and legal citation system devised by the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford , now in its fourth edition. OSCOLA is available on the Faculty's website in pdf format, together with a quick reference guide. It covers abbreviations, cases, legislation, books, articles, online sources and other materials; it also provides guidance on presentation and cross-referencing.

Social Security Advisory Committee

Website of the Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) a UK advisory body on social security issues. The role of SSAC is to provide advice on social security matters and to report on social security regulations referred to it by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and the Department of Social Development in Northern Ireland. The site provides background and historical information about the Committee and profiles of its members. There are details of consultations currently being carried out which are made available as PDF documents.

Port of London Authority: regulations and guidance

The Port of London Authority (PLA) is a public trust whose purpose is to 'administer, preserve and improve the Port of London'. This section of the PLA website has a collection of legal and regulatory documents including byelaws, directions, codes of practice governing navigation within the Port of London along with details of the National Boatmasters Licence. Byelaws are also amended and deal with issues such as boat registration, watermen and lightermen and vessels carrying dangerous substances in bulk within the PLA's jurisdiction.

DMC's Case Notes

Website produced by David Martin-Clark who is a Shipping, Transport and Insurance Consultant. The site provides a selection of case notes covering recent shipping and insurance cases. Case notes include citations, keywords and summaries. Shipping cases are further sub-divided by topics such as admiralty, arbitration and carriage of goods. New case notes can be emailed if you register on the site. There are also biographical details relating to David Martin-Clark and information on other contributors.

Planning Inspectorate

The Planning Inspectorate is the government agency dealing with planning and enforcement appeals. The Inspectorate's work also involves holding inquiries into local development plans and dealing with listed building consent appeals. The site provides information on the types of appeal that can be made and a selection of forms can be downloaded from the site in either PDF or Word format. Planning Inspectorate publications are made freely available on the site and include information on rights of way, environmental appeals, codes of conduct and planning policy guidance.

Ogden Tables

The Actuarial Tables for Use in Personal Injury and Fatal Accident Cases, known as the 'Ogden Tables', prepared and provided on the UK Government website by the Government Actuary's Department. The Tables are used to calculate compensation in personal injury and fatal accident cases. The currrent edition and all previous editions are available. The tables are accompanied by explanatory notes and the actuarial formulae used.

Church of England Legal Services

Website of the Church of England Legal Office who provide professional legal services to National Church Institutions of the Church of England. The website has a list of Church Assembly and General Synod Measures back to 1920 along with Statutory Instruments relating to the Church of England back to 1964. The site also has a copy of the Canons of the Church of England which can be viewed in full in PDF format. A selection of FAQs provide information on ecclesiastical land and the General Synod.

Ecclesiastical Law Society

Website of the Ecclesiastical Law Society (ELS), an organisation established in 1987 to promote the study of ecclesiastical and canon law. The site outlines the aims of the Society and gives details of its events and publications, including the Ecclesiastical Law Journal. The book, 'The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion' can be downloaded in pdf format, free of charge. To accompany the book, the site provides a bibliography, details of selected cases and links to Church resolutions and other official documents.

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