
Investigatory Powers Tribunal

Investigatory Powers Tribunal conducts investigations into complaints made by members of the British government under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. This includes surveillance, telephone tapping and interception of communications (bugging) by the Intelligence Services MI5, the Secret Intelligence Service (sometimes called MI6) and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters). The website provides information on the purpose, statutory powers and activities of the Tribunal.

Planning and Environment Bar Association

Website of the Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA) whose members are barristers specialising in "planning, environment, compulsory purchase, highways, housing, rating and other aspects of local government and administrative law". The site gives information on the work of PEBA and includes a full-text (PDF) copy of the PEBA Handbook. Details of pro bono work carried out by PEBA members is also provided. Contact details for chambers and barristers who are members of PEBA can be searched or browsed on the site.

Commonwealth and International Human Rights Case Law Databases

These two databases are compiled by INTERIGHTS, the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, and made freely available on their website. One covers human rights decisions in the courts of Commonwealth countries and the other covers the decisions of international courts and tribunals. The databases can be searched separately or together. There is a summary of each case and some judgments are available in full.

Commonwealth Magistrates' and Judges' Association

Web pages of the Commonwealth Magistrates' and Judges' Association (CMJA) an international association which brings together judicial officers from Commonwealth countries. The site gives information about the CMJA's activities including future events and publications. There is information about the CMJA's judicial education programme and the work of the Gender Section. A page of links to Commonwealth organisations, Commonwealth judicial bodies and related organisations is also provided.

Service France

Service France forms part of the website of Sykes Anderson a law firm specialising in French tax and property law. The site includes details of services the firm offers and freely available information on French tax, property and pensions. Content is provided in the form of articles and case studies with topics covered including the main French taxes, tax planning and and tax-free or tax efficient investments. There is advice on French property and conveyancing, French probate, health care and social security.

Oil, Gas and Energy Law

Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL) is a subscription service aimed at the energy industry and legal practitioners. OGEL aims to provide a global overview together with critical analyses of the issues and developments surrounding regulation in the oil-gas-energy field. Issues of the OGEL Journal are available in full text for subscribers. A collection of legal and regulatory materials including laws, regulations, contracts and guidelines are available to search or browse by country or topic.

Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law

The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law is a referreed journal that aims to explore legal problems and issues in the context of energy and natural resources law. Aimed at practitioners and academics in the field, the journal seeks to cover key areas in the field: oil and gas law, mineral law, coal law, water law and renewable energy law. The journal, produced by the International Bar Association (IBA), is published quarterly. The site offers subscription information and guidelines for authors. There are links to other publications published by the IBA.

European Association of Law and Economics

Founded in 1984, the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) is concerned with the economic analysis of law in Europe. Its website is hosted by York University and provides background information about EALE and details of current and previous conferences. The links section covers law and economics journals, other law and economics associations, graduate programs and vacant positions in the field.

People and Planet

People and Planet is the largest student network in Britain which campaigns for alleviation of world poverty, better human rights and protecting the environment. Groups are based at universities and colleges and run by students. The site has full details about campaigns and how to get involved. Job vacancies are sometimes listed.

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