
The Case for Leasehold Reform (Enfranchisement) (1953)

Digitised version of a pamphlet published by the London Leaseholders Association in 1953. The pamphlet, provided online by the LSE Library (British Library of Political and Economic Science), addresses issues relating to the rights of tenants to purchase the freehold of a property. A review is made of the contemporary law and suggestions made for reform to increase the rights of tenants; a draft law is included. The original pamphlet is held by the LSE Library.

Air Accidents Investigation Branch

The United Kingdom Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) is the part of the Department of Transport responsible for investigating the causes of civil aircraft accidents. Its website contains information on the work of the organisation, including its history and the civil aviation laws and regulations within which it operates. The site also provides reports on air safety and the Air Accident Monthly Bulletin from 2005 onwards. 

Intellectual Property Office

The Intellectual Property Office is responsible for granting intellectual property (IP) rights in the United Kingdom. Its website provides information about patents, designs, trade mark, including legislation, official notices, research commissioned by the IPO, procedural forms, guidance and databases of trademarks, registered designs and patents.

House of Lords

The House of Lords is the upper chamber of the UK parliament. Its section of the parliamentary website provides detailed information about the work of the House, including Hansard (parliamentary debates) from November 1995 onwards, current bills before Parliament and the reports of House of Lords select committees.

Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) is an independent, self-regulating professional body, founded in 1891 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1902. It is the leading professional body for company secretaries and corporate administrators in the public, private and voluntary sectors and acts as the professional forum for members and students worldwide. The website of the UK & Ireland branch contains information about the Institute and details of governance qualifications.

The Direct Marketing Association (UK)

The DMA (UK) is the core trade organisation for all companies in direct marketing in the UK. Formed in 1992, the DMA's aim is to promote and protect the direct marketing industry. Members include advertisers from a broad range of business sectors, direct marketing and telemarketing agencies, and service suppliers from printers and mailing houses to list brokers and database consultancies. The DM Code of Practice can be viewed in the Protection section of the site, but only members can download it. Best practice guidelines are freely available.

Save the Children

Save the Children champions children's rights in more than 50 countries, including the United Kingdom. In the short term it provides emergency relief; in the long term its aim is to make children and families self-sufficient by promoting development. The site includes news and press releases, list of publications, a site for young people, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.

European Scrutiny Committee

The European Scrutiny Committee is a permanent cross-party committee of the House of Commons. It assess draft EU legislation which has been deposited in Parliament by the Government. Its website makes available the Committee's reports from November 1996 to date, minutes from November 2009 to date, ministerial correspondence with the Committee, background papers and details of inquiries by the Committee. There is also a guide to the European scrutiny system and a guide to the EU institutions and EU legislation.


The rightsnet website is designed to provide up to date welfare rights information and news for advice workers. It is managed by lasa (London Advice Services Alliance) [q.v.]. The site provides a news section, training, policy news, an email discussion group and summaries of the latest welfare benefit and tax credit case law from the Administrative Appeals Chamber of the Upper Tribunal for subscribers.The Toolkit facility of the site provides links to sites offering legislation, case law, current benefit rates and factsheets.

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