
Administrative Law in the Common Law World

Administrative Law in the Common Law World (Admin Law Blog) is a group blog edited by legal academics Farrah Ahmed, Kate Glover Berger, Swati Jhaveri, Joe Tomlinson and Julian R Murphy. Posts date from March 2017 and can be browsed or searched by keyword. Recent posts have looked at challenges to the royal prerogative, constitutional avoidance and judicial review. There are also regular book reviews. 

The Advocate’s Gateway

The Advocate’s Gateway (TAG) is an independent organisation, overseen by a management committee of lawyers and other professionals, providing free guidance on communicating with vulnerable witnesses and defendants. The toolkits are aimed at legal practitioners and focus on maintaining ethical and professional standards when questioning vulnerable people in justice settings.

Find case law

Case database launched by The National Archives in April 2022. Covers cases from the UK Supreme Court, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal, the England and Wales High Court and various tribunals. At the time of writing, the court judgments go back to 2003 and the tribunal decisions (as a rule) to 2016. Basic and advanced search facilities are available. Cases may be downloaded in pdf or xml format.

British Indian Ocean Territory

Website of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) Administration. BIOT, also known as the Chagos Archipelago, is a British overseas territory in the Indian Ocean. The site has information about the US-UK military base and the history and governance of the archipelago. It provides a few issues of the BIOT Official Gazette and has an Ordinances page that was under construction at the time of writing. There is also information about British government policy, environmental matters and scientific studies.

British Association of Comparative Law

 The British Association of Comparative Law (BACL) is an organisation dedicated to promoting “comparative legal research and teaching throughout the UK”. Its membership is open to staff of UK universities with areas of research and activities involving comparative law. Along with the Scottish Association of Comparative Law, BACL organises the national reports submitted to the International Congress of Comparative Law. BACL coordinates annual seminars and postgraduate workshops on comparative law. The site contains a blog that posts regular online publications on comparative law.

Bodleian Library League of Nations research guide

A research guide provided by the Bodleian Library in Oxford, covering the League of Nations. The guide contains information on the structure of the League of Nations, links to useful resources such as journals and books and a detailed guide to the League of Nations’ documents and publications, including the complicated numbering system of their documents. There is also a comprehensive list of links to archives, personal papers and guides relating the League of Nations. Some of the links and resources are Oxford-specific, but the majority are available for all to use.


Law Student Hub

Created by law publisher LexisNexis, Law Student Hub provides guidance and development material for law students and trainee lawyers in the UK. It offers proficiency tests and certification for the databases Lexis®Library and Lexis®PSL, provides a guide to surviving law school, and features blog posts, research and reports of interest to law students and trainees. Careers information and legal news are also available, partly through links to external websites.

Herbert Smith Freehills: Employment Notes

This section of the Herbert Smith Freehills website provides free access to an employment law blog highlighting developments in international employment legislation, regulation and litigation. Posts can be filtered by jurisdiction or category including whistleblowing, termination of employment, industrial relations, workplace related claims, health and safety and workplace culture, discrimination and diversity. The site can also be searched by keyword and results limited by content type eg. videos, podcasts or webinars.

Labour Law Research Network

Website of the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN) which is made up of university departments and research institutes around the work engaged in the study of labour and employment law. The aim of the LLRN is to “advance research in labour law, and specifically to facilitate the dissemination of research work and encourage open discussion of scholarship and ideas in this field”. Research papers by LLRN members are made freely available on the site many in full text PDF. There are also links to videos and digital lectures and events.

UK Copyright Literacy

Copyright blog run by Chris Morrison, Copyright, Licensing and Policy Manager at the University of Kent, and Jane Secker, Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London. The blog is intended for non-lawyers with an interest in copyright literacy and copyright education. As well as blog posts, the site provides details of research into copyright literacy and information relating to Secker and Morrison’s book, ‘Copyright and E-learning: a guide for practitioners’ (2nd edn, Facet Publishing, 2016), including an open-access chapter, ‘Copyright education and training’.

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