
The Hearing

The Hearing is a free legal podcast produced by Thomson Reuters featuring discussions with lawyers, legal experts and others connected with the law. Recent guests have included Bryan Garner, Editor-in-Chief of Blacks Law Dictionary, Shaun Wallace, Barrister and television personality and Aika Stephenson, solicitor and founder of Just For Kids Law, a charity that represents and advocates for children in contact with the criminal justice system. This page provides links to The Hearing (and other Thomson Reuters podcasts) on various services.

Law Pod UK

The Law Pod UK podcast is produced by barristers of One Crown Office Row and focuses on all aspects of UK civil and public law. The hosts, Rosalind English, Emma-Louise Fenelon, Jim Duffy and Lucy McCann, discuss a different topic in each episode with legal experts and professionals. Recent episodes have covered developments in clinical negligence, the Coroner’s Court in 2024, racial justice at inquests and gender at the Bar. Information accompanying the podcast is published on the UK Human Rights Blog which also provides links to services where the podcast is available.

Searfarers' Rights International

Website of Seafarer’s Rights International (SRI) a pan-industry organisation researching maritime and seafarers’ law. SRI research covers all aspects of law relating to those who work at sea and those who operate vessels. Current projects focus on fair treatment initiatives, abandonment of seafarers and the Maritime Labour Convention. The SRI Legal Database provides free access to legislation, treaties and guidance and can be searched by keyword, country, language or date. There are also guides aimed at seafarers and lawyers covering abandonment, maritime liens and arrest of ships.

Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law Blog

The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) blog is produced by staff at the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law at Swansea University. The blog provides maritime and commercial legal news covering topics such as admiralty law, arbitration, carriage of goods, charterparties, contract law, law of the sea and trade law. The blog can be searched by topic or date

Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research

The Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research (ICPR) is a research organisation based at Birkbeck, University of London. ICPR focuses on justice issues including policing and the policed, courts and the judicial process and prisons and the use of imprisonment. There is information about current and completed research projects with links to publications. These cover: youth justice, communities, crime and victims of crime, rehabilitation, drugs alcohol and criminal justice and race, ethnicity and gender.

World Prison Brief

Website of World Prison Brief a database providing free access to information on prison systems around the world. The resource is part of the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research’s (Birkbeck, University of London) World Prison Research Programme. Information is arranged by country and includes contact details of the government department responsible for prisons, figures for the prison population, the percentage of female, foreign and juvenile prisoners and prison population trends.

Fair Trials

Fair Trials is an NGO which campaigns for fairness, equality and justice including the right to a fair trial in Europe, Latin America, the UK and the US. The site outlines Fair Trials’ campaigns which include protecting the rights of accused people, the right to counsel, use of pre-trial detention and safeguards for plea bargaining. Free resources on the site include publications, case studies, information, toolkits and legal news which can be searched by issue, region or country. 


The LawInSport website is a subscription resource compiled by legal practitioners and academics providing expert analysis, commentary and news on legal developments in sport. There are sections covering anti-corruption, anti-doping, intellectual property, media law and key cases. There are also podcasts, videos and events. Parts of the site are restricted to subscribers only.

Talking Law Podcast

Podcast in which barrister Sally Penni interviews leading UK lawyers, with themes including career development, diversity and wellbeing. The episodes are available on the website of Women in the Law UK, but both male and female lawyers are featured. Listeners can subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify.

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