
Consumer Crime Cases

The Consumer Crime Cases (CCC) website provides free access to case commentaries and digests of consumer protection and trading standards appeal cases. The site is produced by Victor Smith former Head of Legal Services at Northamptonshire County Council. Cases can be searched using free text terms or using the keyword index or legislation list. Digests highlight key points of law, extracts from the judgements and links to related cases. There are also pages of links to related organisations and legislation.


Emplaw is a subscription service hosted by the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) and written by employment law specialists. The site provides guidance on a wide range of employment law topics and summaries of employment law decisions from the UK and European courts and tribunals. There is free access to employment law news stories and articles and to Emplaw Monthly, a review of developments in employment law which is available back to 2014. A directory of employment lawyers is also given.

EU Exit Web Archive

The EU Exit Web Archive, maintained by the National Archives, is an online archive of documents providing an official UK reference point for EU law as it stood at the end of the Brexit implementation period. This collection consists of documents taken from EUR-Lex, including Treaties, legislative documents, case law, and the Official Journal of the EU, published up until 11pm GMT on December 31st 2020. The Archive can be searched using filters including keyword, type, date of document, status at EU exit, and language.

League of Nations

A collection of official League of Nations publications digitised by the National Library of Scotland. The print collection held at the National Library of Scotland consists of 'The Official Journal' and special supplements, monthly summaries, statistical yearbooks and Treaty Series, as well as publications from the principal organs, committees, commissions and conferences; a selection of these has been digitised.

Lloyd’s Acts and Bylaws

This section of the Lloyd’s website provides free access to copies of the Lloyd’s acts and byelaws currently in force. Lloyd’s - the world’s leading specialist insurance market – is governed by the Lloyd’s Acts of 1871, 911, 1951 and 1982. The Council of Lloyd’s manages and supervises the market and does this, in part, by passing byelaws which can be viewed in full on the site. Underwriting requirements made by the byelaws are also available along with codes and other standards and regulations required by Lloyd’s.

Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland

Website of the Legal Services Agency Northern Ireland (LSANI), an executive agency within the Department of Justice, which has responsibility for the administration of legal aid in Northern Ireland. There is information about the work of LSANI and members of the LSANI Board and guidance on accessing legal aid aimed at the public. The section aimed at the legal profession provides legislation, Department of Justice Directions and LSANI guidance. There is also guidance on using the digital Legal Aid Management System (LAMS).

Public Law Wales

Public Law Wales is a membership organisation promoting discussion, education and research relating to public law and human rights in Wales. It was founded in 1999 in response to devolution and membership is drawn from members of the independent bar, solicitors in private and public practice, academics from Wales’ universities and students. Details of events and copies of recent publications are given on the site which can be viewed in Welsh and English.

Legal Wales

Website of Legal Wales a forum that was set up following devolution to bring together and promote the interests of the Welsh legal community. The organisation is governed by a Board representing the judiciary, law schools, barristers’ chambers and solicitors’ firms. Legal Wales holds an annual conference which focuses on constitutional and legal developments in Wales. A selection of keynote addresses and speeches from these conferences and other events can be viewed on the site. The Constitution and profiles of members of the Executive Committee are also given.

Welsh Legal History Society

The Welsh Legal History Society was founded in 1999 to promote interest and research into the history of law in Wales. Contents pages of the Society’s journal and a selection of full text articles are available on the site. There is also a selection of research resources aimed at researchers of Welsh legal history along with a page of links to databases and repositories containing historical legal materials. The site can be viewed in English and Welsh.

Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law is part of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and was set up to advance the Rule of Law worldwide. The Bingham Centre’s work covers the following areas: business; citizenship; digital age; justice systems; modern slavery; parliaments and security. The Centre produces reports and discussion papers which are available in full on the site. Details of the Centre’s projects and events are also given along with its work as secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on the Rule of Law.  

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