
Travel Law Quarterly

Website of Travel Law Quarterly (TLQ) which is published by the Leisure Industries Section of the International Bar Association. TLQ is aimed at travel industry professionals, lawyers and students and covers topics such as “travel agency, tour operations, cruise law, air law, timeshare, hotel law as well as the regulation and licensing of the travel industry”. The full journal is available by subscription but TLQ Online, which provides additional content, is freely available on the website.

Ecclesiastical law

This section of the Lupton Fawcett Denison Till website provides information on ecclesiastical law and is compiled by Lionel Lennox, an ecclesiastical and charity lawyer. There is legal guidance aimed at clergy and churchwardens and covering topics such as employment law, repair and maintenance of churches and churchyards and chancel repair liabilities.

International Forum for Responsible Media

This blog is provided by the International Forum for Responsible Media (Inforrm) and was set up by media lawyers to debate issues of media responsibility. Blog posts provide news and comment on media cases and on legal developments.There are tables of media, defamation and privacy cases including links to the judgements on Bailii (British and Irish Legal and Information Institute). There are also links to legal materials and blogs on related subjects including media, data protection, privacy, freedom of information and journalism.

AIRE Centre

Website of the AIRE Centre, an organisation providing information on and promoting awareness of European law rights. The charity takes cases to the European Court of Human Rights, provides legal advice to individuals and voluntary sector lawyers and advisors. The site describes the work undertaken in the areas of human trafficking, family law, prisoners’ rights, discrimination, international protection and fair trial. A selection of publications by AIRE is made freely available to download from the site.

IALS Student Law Review

The IALS Student Law Review (ISLRev) is an electronic, peer-reviewed law journal made freely available on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) website. The journal publishes scholarly articles focused on the areas of expertise at IALS and is run by PhD legal research students at the Institute. Articles can be searched or browsed and downloaded in full text from the site. Details of the Editorial Board and submission guidelines are also provided.

Legal Education Research Network

Website of the Legal Education Research Network (LERN). LERN is a long-established active network of UK researchers interested in legal education. One of its core aims is to support researchers, through a range of activities, including through its members providing advice and support for each other, such as by suggesting useful source materials, reading draft questionnaires, piloting them and looking over interview schedules.

Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review

Open Access version of the journal Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review which is made freely available online on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) website. The journal includes articles, case reports and book reviews focusing on digital evidence and electronic signatures from around the world. DEESLR is published annually and the complete archive from 2004 onwards is available to download from the site.

Copyright user

Website providing information and guidance on UK copyright law, made freely available online by the University of Glasgow and Bournemouth University. The site is aimed at users and creators of copyright works. There are videos of creators (filmmaker, artist, musician, developer etc.) discussing copyright issues and sections providing guidance on topics such as copyright exceptions, public domain and obtaining permission to use copyright works.

British Insurance Law Association

BILA is an organsiation for insurers, insurance brokers, academic lawyers and practising lawyers; its membership is drawn from Britain and also from overseas. As well as being an association in its own right, it is the British chapter of the Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA). BILA’s website describes its work and gives details of its events, but most of the content - such as the Journal and the Research pages - is restricted to members.

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