
European Banking Authority

The EBA was established by regulation (EC) No. 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and officially took over responsibilities from the Committee of European Banking Supervisors on January 1st 2011. It is based in London. The site provides egislation and legal documents concerning the founding of the EBA and its role. There is also a wide selection of documents relating to aspects of financial supervision and the work of the Authority. These are mainly in English but the Annual Report is available in other EU languages.

Forced Migration Online

Forced Migration Online (FMO), managed by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) at the University of Oxford, provides a collection of research resources, a digital library and other information. It has detailed guides to forced migration issues, by country/region and by topic; a discussion list; information about organizations working with migrants; research guides; and details of other projects with which the FMO team have been involved. The digital library includes nearly 6,000 documents: articles from six leading refugee studies journals, RSC policy briefings and RSC working papers.

Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

Bhatt Murphy is a London-based law firm specialising in the legal protection of civil liberties. Its website includes annotated timelines, with links to legislation and official publications, covering the following areas: police misconduct; tariff-setting for life prisoners; deaths in custody; immigration detention; parole hearings; and prison discipline. It also has a news page and a set of links to civil liberties websites.


Aegis campaigns against genocide and crimes against humanity. It is a registered charity in the UK and US and a registered NGO in Rwanda. The Aegis website describes its work and makes available its reports, briefings and other publications, in pdf format. It also has a News page.

Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland

The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is the regulatory and professional body for pharmacists in Northern Ireland. Its website includes a searchable register of pharmacists, professional standards and guidance, annual reports, consultation documents and information about hearings. Five years’ worth of outcomes of disciplinary hearings are available, together with details of appeals and forthcoming disciplinary hearings

Nursing and Midwifery Council

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the regulator for nurses and midwives in the UK, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Its website provides a searchable register of nurses and midwives. There is detailed information about fitness to practise hearings, including the outcomes of the most recent four months’ hearings and lists of forthcoming hearings; the Hearings page also has statistics going back to 2000/01. The Publications page has standards, best practice guidance, official circulars, annual reports and many other documents

Homeless Link

Directory of research and good practice guidance regarding homelessness in the UK, with abstracts; also gives links to the full text of each publication (if available). Has a search facility, an annotated index of keywords, an index of publishers and a tag cloud. The ‘legislation’ keyword page gives a brief overview of legislation in this area, with links to both legislation and commentary. The site also provides a few news items.

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