

Hardwicke is a London-based barristers’ chambers covering many areas of civil, family and public law. Its website has a Resources section which provides case summaries, articles, legal news and two calculation tools for lawyers: a Rent Arrears & Mesne Profits Calculator and a Simple Interest Calculator. There are also sections of the site covering Hardwicke’s work in the fields of commercial law, insurance law, public law and property and private client law.

Arden Chambers

London-based barristers’ chambers specialising in housing, local government and property law. The Arden Chambers website has an ‘information centre’ section which provides legal news (‘eflashes’) regarding these areas of law; articles and briefings by Arden barristers; responses to government consultations; and other resources.

Medical Negligence

Website created by Engish barrister Geoffrey Hall, formerly editor of the Medical Law Reports. The site is the home of the online law report ‘Medical Litigation Cases’ (MLC), edited by Hall; the series covers medical negligence and related subjects such as coroners, medical product liability, sterilisation and wrongful birth. It also includes news, articles and a page of links. Non-subscribers may read the news items, access the links page and view case lists and article titles, but only subscribers can access full-text law reports and articles.

NHS Litigation Authority

The NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA) deals with clinical negligence and other claims against the NHS. Its website describes its work and provides guidance for patients, clinicians, volunteers and social enterprises. Publications available on the site include brief details of relevant human rights cases, guidance regarding claims, factsheets and legal updates.

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) regulates fertility treatment and research in the UK. Its website explains its regulatory work and provides inspection reports, policy consultation documents and other publications. The ‘About the HFEA’ section includes domestic and EU legislation and a scanned pdf version of the 1984 Warnock Report on IVF. There are information pages for donors; donor-conceived people; fertility patients; clinic staff; the media and researchers. The FAQs page includes guidance on making complaints.

Health and Care Professions Council

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is the regulator for social workers in England and for UK health and care professionals such as art therapists, clinical scientists, dietitians, occupational therapists, paramedics and physiotherapists. The HCPC website gives the full list of regulated professions and provides a searchable register of regulated individuals.

TSO Shop

Online shop of TSO, the privatised UK official publisher, formerly Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO). The site has a Parliamentary and Legal section, which can be searched separately from other TSO titles. This section may also be browsed, under the headings Daily List, Gazettes, Law, Legislation,
Official, Parliamentary, Parliamentary Committees, TSO Ireland and TSO Scotland. Email updates about new titles are available. There is a Libraries page with subscription information and other guidance for librarians.

Wildy & Sons Ltd

Website of Wildy & Sons, the London-based law booksellers. The company sells publications in English covering UK law, EU law, international law and the law of many foreign jurisdictions. The site has an online shop covering books, journals and looseleaf services; as well as conventional books, Wildy’s also sells webinars, student revision aids and e-books. Downloadable newsletters are available listing new and forthcoming titles, as well as an RSS feed.

Routledge Law

The law pages of UK publisher Routledge’s website. Routledge publishes UK, EU, Asian and US law. The site features an online bookshop, downloadable catalogues and companion websites for a large number of Routledge textbooks. It also provides information about the Routledge Law Prize.

Tax and Chancery (Upper Tribunal)

The Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) helps those who are involved in or want to appeal against decisions made by the First-tier tribunal in tax or Charity cases, as well as people who want to refer matters relating to certain decisions made by the Financial Services Authority and the Pensions Regulator. This section of the Justice website includes forms and guidance, available in PDF, links to procedural rules and a link to the Tribunals Judiciary website, where Tax and Chancery (Upper Tribunal) decisions are available to search from April 2003 onwards.

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