
Parlamento Italiano

Official website of the Italian parliament, containing information about its members, functions and the election of a president. The site is published in Italian only. It contains the text of all laws (leggi) from 1996 onwards. These can be browsed by date, by type of act and by subject. Legislation in progress can also be browsed, along with the decreti-leggi currently being considered and decreti-legislativi from 1996 onwards. Reports, agendas and other documents relating to parliamentary proceedings are also provided along with information on the work of parliamentary committees.

Understanding Children's Work

This site brings together research conducted by the International Labour Organisation, Unicef and the World Bank. Its objectives are "to improve child labour research, data collection and data analysis; to enhance local and national capacity for child labour data collection and research; and to improve the assessment of existing interventions in this field." The project encourages interaction between researchers, but also disseminates information to the wider public. There are several databases posted on the site, for example Child Labour Data Sets and Country Statistics.


Transcrime, the Research Centre on Transnational Crime, is based in the Department of Law at the University of Trento in Italy.  Its website gives an overview of the Centre's projects. The Publications page provides some titles in full and others with abstracts only. The site, including the publications, is in both English and Italian.

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy, is part of the European University Institute, and carries out research in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation, and Social and Political Sciences, focusing on European issues, in particular European integration. Its website gives details of current research activities and contains a number of publications and papers which may be downloaded in PDF format, in both French and English. There is also a full list of papers published by the Centre, which may be ordered in printed format.

Chamber of Arbitration of Milan

Website of the Chamber of Arbitration of Milan, a special agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan providing commercial dispute resolution services. The site carries information about the Chamber's objectives, composition and services. Italian arbitration laws and the Chamber's mediation and arbitration rules are available to download. Practical information on arbitration and mediation is also given including forms, costs and model arbitration clauses and agreements. The site is freely accessible in HTML and available in English and Italian language versions.


Priv-War was a collaborative project by seven European academic institutions, including the University of Sheffield in the UK, which ran from 2008 to 2011. It was coordinated and hosted by the European University Institute in Italy. The aim of Priv-War was to look at the use of private military companies and security companies in situations of armed conflict and examine national and international regulatory frameworks. The website provides the final recommendations of the Priv-War project, together with press releases and two reports produced during the project.

International Institute of Humanitarian Law

Website of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, an independent not-for-profit organisation based in Italy. The Institute's activities include research; the training of civil and military personnel on international humanitarian law, human rights, refugee law and migration law; and the organisation of conferences and meetings. The site has background information on the history and principles of international humanitarian law and the right to humanitarian assistance, along with materials from events hosted by the Institute.

European Private Law Forum

Web pages of the European Private Law Forum, a research group based at the Law Department of the European University Institute. The Forum carries out research into the Europeanisation of private law. The site has information about the Forum's projects which include Tenancy Law and Procedure in the European Union and Real Property Law and Procedure in the European Union.

Studio legale Tedioli

Website of Italian law firm, Tedioli. The firm is based in Mantova and specialises in agricultural, commercial, corporate, civil, family and insolvency law and arbitration. As well as information on Tedioli's staff and services a number of freely available legal resources are also provided. The News section has information relating to legal developments in Italy including recent legislation and judgements. There are also in house articles covering the various practice areas which can be downloaded from the site.

Probation and Parole Database

The International Probation and Parole Website (IPPW) is a joint project of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the National Probation Directorate for England and Wales, the Department of Corrections of New Zealand and the Government of Western Australia - Department of Justice. The IPPW is made freely available on the UNICRI website. The site provides an online directory of links to organisations around the world concerned with probation. This can be browsed by country, category (governmental, voluntary, professional etc) or client.

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