
Union Internationale des Avocats

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1927 to establish international contacts between lawyers. It seeks to promote and defend the legal profession, uphold international principles of human rights and justice and develop the body of international legal knowledge. Commissions of the UIA carry out research and development work on more than 40 aspects of law and legal practice.

Droits d'Urgence

Droits d'Urgence is a French lawyers' association established in 1995, providing free legal advice to poor and marginalised people. The site offers basic information on the association's work and mission, including its charter and code of practice for volunteers, and its programme of legal advice / information in Paris and elsewhere. The association co-operates with a number of local authorities and humanitarian agencies in France. Its journal, News d'Urgence, and monthly bulletin, Veille Juridique, are available on the website. The site is in French.

European Centre for Space Law

Website of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL), a research organisation set up by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 1989 with the aim of "improving space law research, education and practice in Europe." ECSL's website has course information, publications and a newsletter. Also included are ESA laws and regulations, bibliographies and other information.

Community Plant Variety Office

The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) implements and applies the European Community's system for the protection of plant variety rights which "allows intellectual property rights, valid throughout the Community, to be granted for plant varieties". It has been operating since 1995 and is based at Angers in France. Its website gives details of its work; has a section containing the relevant legislation and published decisions of the CPVO's councils and boards of appeal. Application forms for plant variety rights can be downloaded.

Cour d'Appel de Bourges

This website presents basic information on the administration of justice in the jurisdiction of the Cour d'Appel de Bourges in France. Three French departments are included in the jurisdiction: Cher, Indre and NiÌvre. There are lists of personnel (presidents, judges and clerks) for the various courts and tribunals in the area. Basic information on the French justice system is also included. The site can be viewed in French only.

Centre de Droit Maritime et Océanique

Website of the Centre de Droit Maritime et Océanique (CDMO) which is based in the Law Faculty at the University of Nantes in France. The information on the site is aimed at students of the Diploma of further studies of Judicial Sciences of the Sea and includes profiles of research staff and students and work (dissertations and essays) being undertaken at the centre. Articles from the Centre's online journal, Revue Juridique Neptunus, are available back to 1994 in PDF format (in French only).

Association des Cours Constitutionnelles Ayant en Partage l'Usage du Français

The ACCPUF (Association des Cours Constitutionnelles Ayant en Partage l'Usage du Français) exists to develop communications and cooperation between Francophone jurisdictions. It carries out its aim by organising conferences, providing training, issuing publications and giving technical assistance, all on the subject of constitutional law. Member countries include Canada, France, Belgium, and Francophone countries in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales

The Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales is the French general directorate of local authorities. It defines the rules for the operation and organisation of local authorities in France, distributes state funds to local authorities, and collects and disseminates local authority financial and statistical data. Its website offers a number of official documents relevant to local administration. The DGCL aims and objectives are available and an organisational chart. The site publishes maps and tables of statistical and financial data.

Société de Législation Comparée

The Société de Législation Comparée (SLC) was founded in France in 1869. Its members are academics, lawyers and judges with an interest in comparative law, in France and elsewhere. It has consultative status with the UN, the ILO and the Council of Europe. The website includes the full text of its constitution (statuts) and a selection of conference papers and speeches.

ADIJ - Association pour le Développement de l'Informatique Juridique

The Association pour le Développement de l'Informatique Juridique (ADIJ) is an organisation for those interested in legal aspects of computing. It promotes interdisciplinary research and communication between professionals and disseminates information. The website publishes details of forthcoming meetings and conferences. The "Actualit?" section features summaries of recent news in computing and law.

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