
Constitutional Council of France

Website of the French Conseil Constitutionnel, a permanent French court created by the Constitution of the 5th Republic on 4th October 1958. The Court has powers to decide on the lawfulness of presidential elections and the conduct of referendums, and can give its opinions when consulted by the French head of state. The site offers details of the Conseil's current business and recent decisions (Actualit?s), and gives a direct link to the Constitution of 1958.

Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CoE) is an international organisation concerned with strengthening democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Europe. The CoE website has information about the history and current work of the Council, including publications, databases, treaties, news, statistics and educational resources.

Nuclear Law Bulletin

The Nuclear Law Bulletin, published by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), is an international journal covering developments in nuclear law. The Bulletin is published twice yearly in English and French and the online version forms part of the NEA's site. The Bulletin comprises a range of information relating to nuclear law including articles, case law, and national and international legislative and regulatory activities for "almost 60 countries around the world". Apart from the three most recent issues the Bulletin can be viewed in full text on the site in English and French.

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) is a Council of Europe human rights body. Its mandate is to monitor the treatment of detainees and prisoners in its member nations in order to protect and promote their human rights. Its website provides information on the aims of the organisation, its operation and activities. It includes press releases, annual reports and reports on individual nations from 1989 to date.

Village de la Justice: le Carrefour des Juristes sur Internet

The "Village de la Justice" is designed as a meeting point on the internet for French lawyers, to facilitate contact between them and to help them exchange information. Some features are also provided for individual citizens interested in legal topics. The site was created in 1997 by the French legal publisher L?giteam, and has been growing since. Users can choose the "espace pro" or the "espace grand public". The professional space provides a variety of news updates and contributed articles, debates, job and training details, and email forums.

INAVEM: Institut National d'Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation

INAVEM is a federation of about 150 French organisations offering support to victims - whether of crime, violence, abuse, accidents, or other misfortunes - and providing mediation services. The website presents various documents to do with INAVEM's work, including its annual reports, constitution, codes of ethics, statistics and public policy documents on subjects including domestic violence, discrimination, children and human rights. Guidance is available for victims, plus a directory of support organisations and details of telephone help lines. The site is in French throughout.

Le Défenseur des droits

Website of the office of the Défenseur des droits, the Children's Ombudsman for France. The office was created by the French Parliament in March 2000, and its mission is to defend and promote children's rights in France. The site explains the role of the Défenseur. Reports and opinions of the Défenseur are available, together with summaries of relevant French laws and information about the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (with the text of the Convention, in French).

Roman Law Library

Collection of Roman laws made available via the University of Grenoble website. The site was founded by Alexandre Koptev and Yves Lassard and has contributors from many different European universities. The laws are available in full, in Latin, with French and English translations. The site also provides bibliographies of Roman history and law and a page of links.

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