Société de Législation Comparée


The Société de Législation Comparée (SLC) was founded in France in 1869. Its members are academics, lawyers and judges with an interest in comparative law, in France and elsewhere. It has consultative status with the UN, the ILO and the Council of Europe. The website includes the full text of its constitution (statuts) and a selection of conference papers and speeches. Publications are listed, with bibliographic details and summaries; recent works have covered legitimate expectations in the law of contract, the reform of the German law of obligations, Japanese constitutional law and the harmonisation of European law. Contents lists for recent issues of the Société's journal, the Revue Internationale de Droit Comparée (RIDC), are provided, with abstracts of selected content. Also featured are details of forthcoming events and guidance on applying for membership. The site is in French, with English translations of a few pages.

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