
Constitution of Chechnya

This site contains the text of the Chechen Constitution, made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 2003 and covers the fundamentals of the constitutional system, rights and liberties of individuals and citizens, organisation of government, roles of the President and Parliament of the Chechen Republic, the basis of executive and judicial power and local government.

Constitution of China

This site contains the full-text of the 1982 Constitution of China (amended up to 2004) and made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution covers general principles, the fundamental rights and duties of citizens and the structure of the state. There is also a copy of the unofficial Declaration of Human Rights produced by the Chinese Human Rights Alliance. The site provides historical and background notes to the Constitution.

Constitution of Croatia

This site contains the full-text of the Constitution of Croatia made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted after democratic elections in 1990 and amended in 2001. It covers fundamental freedoms and rights, the organisation of government, the Constitutional Court, local government and international relations. The site provides background and historical notes to the Constitution along with amendments which do not appear in the text.

Constitution of Denmark

This site contains the text of the Denmark Constitution in English, provided by the International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1953 and covers the role of the monarchy, Parliament, the High Court, the state church, individual rights and local government. A copy of the Succession to the Throne Act 1953 and links to the Danish Parliament and the Ministry of Justice are also available, along with background notes about the history of the Constitution.

Constitution of Estonia

This site contains the full-text of the Estonia Constitution made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1992 and covers fundamental rights, liberties and duties, the people, the President, parliament, the Government of the Republic, legislation, finance, foreign relations, the courts and local government.Other constitutional documents provided on the site include the Law on the Application of the Constitution 1992 and the Law on Constitutional Review Court Procedure 1993.

Constitution of Ethiopia

English translation of the Constitution of Ethiopia, provided by the International Constitutional Law (ICL) initiative at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1994 and covers fundamental principles, fundamental rights and freedoms, state structure, structure and division of power, the federal houses, the President, the executive and the courts. Background notes to the history of Ethiopia are also given on the ICL site.

Constitution of Fiji

This site contains the full-text of the Constitution of Fiji made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1988 and this version includes amendments made up to 2000. The document covers the state, citizenship, a Bill of Rights, social justice, Parliament, executive government, the Great Council of Chiefs, the judiciary, accountability and emergency powers.There is background and historical information relating to the Constitution and a link to the Fiji Government website.

Constitution of Hong Kong

This site contains the full-text of the Constitution of Hong Kong which is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1990 and covers the relationship between the central authorities (in China) and Hong Kong, fundamental rights and duties of residents, political structure, economy, a section on education, science, culture, sport, religion, labour and social service and external affairs.

Constitution of Iran

This site contains the full-text of the Constitution of Iran which is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution was adopted in 1979 and this version includes amendments made in 1989. The document covers the official language, script, calendar and flag, the rights of the people, the economy and financial affairs, the right of national sovereignty, legislative powers, executive power, the leadership council, the judiciary and foreign policy.

Constitution of Iraq

This site contains the full-text of the Interim Constitution of Iraq (the Transitional Administrative Law) which is made freely available in English by International Constitutional Law (ICL) at the University of Bern in Switzerland. The Constitution is in effect until a permanent Constitution is adopted in 2005. The site also provides background and historical notes, access to the 1990 Interim Constitution and the draft Constitution written by opposition groups in 1999.

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