Criminal Justice Policy Foundation

Website of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (CJPF) a United States based charitable organisation whose aim is to "educate the public about the impact of drug policy and the problems of policing on the criminal justice system". The CJPF provides information to policy makers and criminal justice professionals through education programmes, conferences and publications. The site has sections covering drug policy, sentencing policy, clemency policy, police policy and crime policy.

Rules and Policies

This page forms part of the United States Courts website and makes available rules of practice, procedure and evidence currently in use in the federal courts. There are full-text copies of rules, background information on the rulemaking process, proposed and past amendments and minutes of relevant committee meetings such as the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure and the Advisory Committee on Rules of Civil Procedure.

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse

The Securities Class Action Clearinghouse website is produced by Stanford Law School in association with Cornerstone Research, a business litigation consultancy. The site provides "detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of federal class action securities fraud litigation". There is an index of filings presented with case summaries which can be browsed chronologically or by company name. Decisions are arranged alphabetically by company.

National Institute of Military Justice

Website of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC whose aim is to "advance the administration of military justice in the Armed Forces of the United States". The site provides access to a range of documents and links relating to military justice in the US including basic documents such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), the Manual for Courts Martial and a Military Justice Fact Sheet. There are recent legal cases, reports and commentaries and legal materials relating to military commissions.

IP Watchdog

IP Watchdog is a website providing information on intellectual property, internet and antitrust law. The site is produced by Gene Quinn, a patent attorney and professor of law, and focuses on United States law. There are sections dealing with different aspects of patent, copyright and trademark law, inventions and confidentiality agreements. There is a section aimed at businesses and one providing advice on Patent Bar exams. The inventions section provides guidance on the patent and invention process and intellectual property issues.

Labor Law Talk

Labor Law Talk is a moderated United States based message forum focusing on employment law issues. The emphasis is on US law and topics include working hours, pay, discrimination, disability and wrongful dismissal. The site is free to use but you are required to register before you can post messages on the discussion forums. An archive of postings can be browsed by forum and a selection of FAQs provide advice on using Labor Law Talk. The site links to other web resources providing free employment law information.

Personal Injury

Personal Injury is a website focusing on US personal injury law produced by Einstein Law, a company specialising in legal web directories and portals. The site provides background information on different aspects of personal injury including damages and awards and tort law. It also provides detailed information on personal injury claims such as medical malpractice, car accidents, product liability, brain injury and workers' compensation. There is a directory of personal injury lawyers in the United States and a glossary of terms.


LawTroves are a selection of legal resource guides compiled by United States law firm Swiggart & Agin, LLC. The guides are focused on Massachusetts law and cover bankruptcy, corporate law, real estate and trademark and domain names. Each LawTrove provides access to FAQs, legislation, organisations, reading lists and other legal resources.

Election Law at Ohio State

Election Law at Ohio State is a research, education and outreach programme based at Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University. It focuses on the law relating to United States federal, state and local elections. The site includes a case tracker, with links to court documents, a blog, news items and links to articles on election law. 


GLAD is a New England based civil rights organisation working to end discrimination based on sexual orientation. There is background and historical information about GLAD. The 'rights and resources' section has legal guidance for the following states: Massachusetts; Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire; Rhode Island and Vermont. This covers topics such as discrimination, employment, family law (marriage, adoption, child custody), hate crimes, sex laws and students' rights. There is also information on the rights of people with HIV.

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