Organization of American States

The Organization for American States (OAS) is a regional forum for dialogue and cooperation on political, economic and social issues in the Americas. In addition to general information on its membership and programmes, the website contains the full-text of a number of OAS documents including its charter, annual report, conventions, treaties, all resolutions from the General Assembly and Permanent Council from 1994 onwards, and press releases from 1995 onwards. Also included are the transcripts of key speeches made by the Secretary General and the Assistant Secretary General since 1995.

Federal Communications Law Journal

The Federal Communications Law Journal is published by the Federal Communications Bar Association and the Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington. The Journal publishes three issues per year including articles, student notes, commentaries, and book reviews examining issues such as: telecommunications, the First Amendment, broadcasting, telephony, computers, intellectual property, communications and information policy making.

US Supreme Court Decisions

A Findlaw site providing access to contemporary and historical decisions from the United States Supreme Court. FindLaw offers a free searchable database of Supreme Court decisions from 1893 to date. Decisions may be browsed by year and official United States Reports volume number and are searchable by citation, docket number, party name or key word.

Adoption and Child Welfare LawSite

The Adoption and Child Welfare LawSite is hosted by the National Center for Adoption Law and Policy at Capital University Law School in the United States. The aim of the Center is to improve child protection laws in the U.S. through research, advocacy and education. The site is a free online resource providing access to state and federal child welfare and adoption laws and cases. Information can be searched or browsed by state and document type including cases, statutes, articles and regulations. There is a page of links to related bodies and individual state court Websites.

World Law Bulletin

The World Law Bulletin is published monthly by the Directorate of Legal Research at the Law Library of Congress and is distributed to members of the United States Congress. The online version is made freely available on the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website as part of their Project on Government Secrecy. Issues are available in full-text (PDF) from 2000 to March 2006. After this date the bulletin becomes the Global Legal Monitor which is described separately on Intute. The bulletin provides news items on foreign law developments including links to original sources.

Center for the Study of the Public Domain

Website of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain (CSPD) at Duke Law School in the United States. The Center was founded in 2002 and aims to "promote research and scholarship on the contributions of the public domain to speech, culture, science and innovation." The site gives details of lectures and conferences providing papers, Powerpoint presentations and webcasts (requires RealPlayer download) covering topics such as 'Music and Theft: Technology, Sampling and the Law' and 'How Law Constructs and Constrains Culture'.

The Point of Law Website is a web magazine sponsored by the Manhattan Institute providing information and opinion on the US litigation system. Included on the site are full-text articles by legal scholars, a reading list of key texts on tort law and litigation and an online forum focusing on liability issues. There are also featured discussions and links to legal news stories. Subjects covered on Point of Law include asbestos, attorney's fees, class actions, employment law, medicine and product liability.

Compact of Free Association

Website providing information about, and a full-text copy of, the Compact of Free Association between the United States of America, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The information is made freely available by the Joint Committee on Compact Economic Negotiations and includes the Compact itself (with amendments), the Compact as signed in 1982 and various related agreements. PDF documents only

Duke Law Faculty Scholarship Repository

The Duke Law Faculty Scholarship Repository is an Open Access, freely available database of research literature produced by staff at the Duke Law School. The collection can be browsed by subject or year or searched using a simple or advanced search option which enables you to search a variety of field including author, title, keyword, subject eprint type or date. Materials include journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, working papers and preprints. The records provide bibliographic details, an abstract and a link to the full-text in PDF.

Center for Law and Education

Website of the United States Center for Law and Education (CLE) an advocacy and support organisation whose aim is to improve educational outcomes, particularly for low-income students. The site gives background and historical information about the CLE and provides details of the Center's projects. These focus on the educational rights of disabled students, Community Action for Public Schools working to improve the quality of public education and a project aiming to improve the Title 1 program.

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