United Kingdom

UK Music

UK Music is a research and lobby group representing music creators and publishers. The Policy section of its website includes information about copyright reviews, including UK Music's submissions to government consultations, and an overview of the Live Music Act 2012.

Professional Negligence Lawyers Association

Website of the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association (PNLA) an organisation made up of solicitors who undertake professional negligence work. The site is also intended to provide a reference point for members of the public who are in dispute with a professional. The site contains membership information and a directory of PNLA members which can be searched by name, location and expertise.

Insolvency Lawyers Association

Website of the Insolvency Lawyers Association (ILA), a special interest group promoting the role of insolvency lawyers and providing information and a forum for lawyers practising insolvency law. Publicly accessible parts of the site have organisational information, the names of council and committee members, articles of association and details of forthcoming events. A directory of members can be browsed by name or region. There is a page of related web links and details on how to join. The rest of the site is restricted to members only.

Statute Law Society

The Statute Law Society is a charitable organisation founded in 1968 with the aim of informing the public and the legal profession about the legislative process and fostering improvements in statute law. The Society organises conferences and lectures and publishes the Statute Law Review in association with Oxford University Press; there is a link to the journal on the OUP website. Information about forthcoming events, membership details and a page of related web links are also provided.

London Gazette

Website of the London Gazette, the UK's official newspaper of record, which publishes official, regulatory and legal information. Information included in the Gazette covers corporate, defence, environmental, honours, insolvency, planning and transport issues. A number of separate supplements are also published including the Ministry of Defence Supplement, the weekly Company Law Official Notifications and supplements dealing with honours and awards. Recent issues can be browsed by subject and the archive can be searched by date, keyword or issue number.

Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office: treaties

The UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office's treaty pages, including the treaty database UK Treaties Online, treaties that have been signed by the UK but not yet been ratified (or equivalent)  and information about multilateral treaties deposited with the FCDO. Guidance on UK treaty practice and procedure is also available, together with contact details for the FCDO Treaty Section's enquiry service.

Gambling Appeals Tribunal

Website of the Gambling Appeals Tribunal an independent body set up to hear appeals against decisions made by the Gambling Commission who issue operating licences to companies and personal functional and personal management licences. The GAT forms part of the Tribunals Service which is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice. The site provides guidance on how to appeal and forms to download in PDF.

Association of Pension Lawyers

Website of the Association of Pension Lawyers (APL) a membership association of UK lawyers specialising in pensions. The aim of the APL is to "promote awareness of the importance of the role of law in the provision of pensions and to operate as a forum for discussion and education amongst pension lawyers." The site has information about the APL including a copy of the Constitution and a diary of events. Contact details and profiles of pensions mediators are also provided on the site. Most content on the site is restricted to members only.

Institute of Money Laundering Prevention Officers

Website of the Institute of Money Laundering Prevention Officers (ILMPO) a membership organisation providing a forum for anti-money laundering professionals in the UK. Members are employed in banks, insurance companies, finance companies, accountancy firms, law firms etc. The site provides information on the ILMPO, details of the most recent events and conferences and links to related news items.

Institute of Professional Investigators

Website of the Institute of Professional Investigators a membership organisation representing investigation professionals including private investigators, police investigators, insurance investigators and HM Revenue and Customs investigators. The site provides information about the Institute including its code of ethics and details of the Board of Governors. A membersã directory can be freely searched by area of expertise, region, member name or company name. Details of events and membership information are also available.

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