United Kingdom

Gibbs Wyatt Stone

Website of Gibbs Wyatt Stone, a UK-based law firm specialising in legal costs disputes. Includes a regular newsletter, Costs Law Update, which has information on legal developments, cases and publications in this area of law. There is also a blog, with an archive of posts back to 2002.

Public Law Project

The Public Law Project (PLP) is a UK-based legal charity whose aim is to improve access to justice in public law matters. The site provides information about the PLP and its work, including research, casework and training. Background information is given about public law is and there are leaflets on topics such as judicial review and making a complaint to the Ombudsman. Research reports, articles and press releases can be downloaded from the site.

City of London Law Society

Website of the City of London Law Society (CLLS) the professional body representing solicitors and law firms in the City of London. The site provides organisational information about CLLS including the names of committee members, a copy of the constitution and business plan. There is information about CLLS µs specialist committees including minutes of meetings, reports and other documentation. News of the Societyãs latest activities is delivered via an e-briefing which can be downloaded from the site along with a selection of precedent documents.

Painsmith Landlord and Tenant Blog

This blog, focusing on residential landlord and tenant law, is provided by PainSmith Solicitors, a UK-based practice specialising in this area of law. The site includes news and comment on the latest legal developments, legislation, guidance and case law. Posts can be searched or browsed back to October 2008, when the blog started, and tags include Housing Act 1988, Housing Act 2004, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, regulations, fees, rent and litigation. Blog posts include links to cases and legislation; the site also has links to other housing law and landlord and tenant law blogs.

Employment factsheets

Selection of factsheets on employment law topics produced and made freely available online by Hallett Employment Law Services Ltd, a United Kingdom based law firm. The factsheets provide guidance and information on a range of employment law topics which can be browsed alphabetically or searched by keyword. Topics covered include flexible working, minimum wage, harassment, unfair dismissal, redundancy and retirement. Factsheets can be viewed in full in HTML.

Abuse Law

The Abuse Law website is a micro site of Abney Garsden McDonald Solicitors, a specialised child abuse compensation law firm in Cheshire. The site provides information aimed at child and adult survivors of physical, sexual and psychological abuse and professionals working for survivors of abuse. There is guidance, in the form of FAQs, on civil and criminal court procedure and on being a witness in court. There is guidance to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme and information on the Human Rights Act and legal aid.

PLC Competition

PLC Competition is a subscription database aimed at commercial lawyers and competition specialists providing updates, practical guidance and information on developments in key areas of competition law. PLC Competition is one of the services offered by legal information provider, Practical Law Company. The service includes information on UK competition law in the form of practice notes, checklists, precedents and other resources.

Gray's Inn Tax Chambers

Website of Gray's Inn Tax Chambers, a specialist set whose services include tax advice and tax appeals. The site publishes a newsletter, the GITC Review. A selection of tax cases in which, barristers from Gray's Inn Tax Chambers have appeared is also available.

Music Law Updates

Music Law Updates provides news and information on legal developments in intellectual property law relevant to the music and entertainment industries. The resource is produced by Ben Challis, a UK entertainment law specialist. The site also has articles by Challis and others, together with a guide to music business contracts and a set of links to relevant websites.

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