United Kingdom

Landlord Law

Website of Landlord Law, a subscription website produced by Tessa Shepperson, a solicitor based in Norwich specialising in residential landlord and tenant work. The site has sections for landlords and tenants, together with information about tenancy agreements, rent arrears and eviction. There are also links to housing cases and legislation. Free content includes feature articles on specific aspects of landlord and tenant law, a questions and answers page, news stories and book reviews and Law Commission documents focusing on housing law reform.

Daniel Barnett

Website of Daniel Barnett, a London based barrister specialising in employment law. The site includes a bulletin providing updates to new legislation and employment law cases and is emailed once or twice a week to anyone signing up for the service. Details of employment law books and Daniel Barnett's training courses are given on the site along with a selection of free videos on English law and employment law podcasts.

Proceedings of the Old Bailey: 1674 to 1913

Free online version of the Proceedings of the Old Bailey (London's Central Criminal Court), produced by the Open University and the Universities of Hertfordshire and Sheffield. Covers historical and legal background to trials at the Old Bailey as well as the accounts of criminal trials held there from 1674 to 1913 (when publication of the Proceedings ceased). Full text accounts are provided in HTML as well as digital images of the original reports and pictures from legal materials of the time. The Proceedings can be searched by keyword, name, date, crime and verdict and punishment.

Human Rights Lawyers Association

The Human Rights Lawyers Association (HRLA) is a professional organisation launched in 2003 to provide a forum for lawyers, academics and students interested in human rights law. Activities of the HRLA include publishing papers and articles, organising seminars and workshops and providing consultancy and advice. The website sets out the aims of the HRLA, events and membership details. The site also provides access to conference papers and a page of annotated web links to related sites.

Fox Williams

Website of London based law firm Fox Williams. The site has information about the work of the company and staff profiles. The selection of newsletters and briefings reflect the firm's practice areas covering aspects of commerce and technology, dispute resolution and employment law. Fox Williams in-house publications can be purchased on the site. A range of micro sites focusing on human resources law, fashion law and commercial agents can be accessed from the home page.

Directory of Expert Witnesses

An online directory of professional psychologists in the UK, qualified to act as expert witnesses. The site is made freely available online by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and is aimed at the legal profession. Searches can be done by area of expertise or geographical location. Full contact details of all the psychologists are given.

Property Law

The Property Law website is maintained by Gary Webber a barrister specialising in property law. The site is aimed at lawyers, surveyors and others looking for property law information. There are articles and links to articles on other websites dealing with subjects such as business leases, adverse possession, mortgages, conveyancing and possession claims. There is a directory of annotated links to other property law websites, details of property law courses, conferences and books and contact information for mediators who can act in property disputes.

Council for Licensed Conveyancers

Website of the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) the body responsible for regulating, training and issuing annual licences to licensed conveyancers (specialist property lawyers). The Directory of Licensed Conveyancers can be searched on the website by name or region. There is guidance to using a licensed conveyancer, a guide to professional conduct covering compliance, conduct and discipline and details of the CLC's complaints procedure.

Property Litigation Association

Website of the Property Litigation Association (PLA), a London-based organisation which draws its membership from solicitors, legal executives and barristers engaged in property litigation. The website contains details of events and workshops, news items, and information about the work and membership of the PLA's various committees. The PLA provides a mediation facility and includes a selection of sample forms, guidance and a list of mediators on the website.

Garden Law

Website of Garden Law written by Richard Smithies who is a partner with Bearders Solicitors in West Yorkshire. The site provides guidance to the law relating to gardens. There are sections covering trees, roots, walls, boundaries, bonfires and garden burial. Each section provides guidance to the law and links to judgements and legislation. There is also a discussion forum on garden law, a page of links and recommended books. A search facility using Google is embedded in the site.

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