United Kingdom

DMC's Case Notes

Website produced by David Martin-Clark who is a Shipping, Transport and Insurance Consultant. The site provides a selection of case notes covering recent shipping and insurance cases. Case notes include citations, keywords and summaries. Shipping cases are further sub-divided by topics such as admiralty, arbitration and carriage of goods. New case notes can be emailed if you register on the site. There are also biographical details relating to David Martin-Clark and information on other contributors.

Planning Inspectorate

The Planning Inspectorate is the government agency dealing with planning and enforcement appeals. The Inspectorate's work also involves holding inquiries into local development plans and dealing with listed building consent appeals. The site provides information on the types of appeal that can be made and a selection of forms can be downloaded from the site in either PDF or Word format. Planning Inspectorate publications are made freely available on the site and include information on rights of way, environmental appeals, codes of conduct and planning policy guidance.

Ogden Tables

The Actuarial Tables for Use in Personal Injury and Fatal Accident Cases, known as the 'Ogden Tables', prepared and provided on the UK Government website by the Government Actuary's Department. The Tables are used to calculate compensation in personal injury and fatal accident cases. The currrent edition and all previous editions are available. The tables are accompanied by explanatory notes and the actuarial formulae used.

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

Website of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) the regulatory body set up by the advertising industry to police the rules laid down in the advertising codes. The site gives details about the work and powers of the organisation including sections focused on consumers, advertisers, schools and colleges and new media. There are online copies of the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (CAP Code), the Radio Advertising Standards Code and the TV Advertising Standards Code.

Shipman Inquiry

The Shipman Inquiry was an independent public inquiry that began work in February 2001 under the chairmanship of Dame Janet Smith DBE. The Inquiry looked into the deaths of former patients of Harold Shipman and examined the systems and procedures in place. The website provides background information and documentation from the case, as well as details of the Inquiry team, ministerial statements and terms of reference. The site has transcripts of procedural meetings, witness statements, all the Inquiry reports and other documents.

First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support)

Website of the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support), the body which hears appeals from asylum seekers who have had support withdrawn by the UK Border Agency. The site has information about making an appeal, what happens at a hearing and a downloadable application form. Reason Statements (decisions) of the Adjudicators are available in full-text on the site and can be searched by date, adjudicator, appeal number or keyword. Annual reports and business plans are available on the site in PDF and there are links to related rules and legislation.

London Tribunals

London Tribunals (formerly the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service, or PATAS) is an independent adjudication service hearing appeals against penalties enforced by London councils and Transport for London regarding parking, bus lane regulations and congestion charging. The site provides information about the grounds for appeal and appeals procedure, daily case lists and searchable databases of key decisions.

Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman investigates and decides complaints and disputes relating to the running of pension schemes in the UK. The site provides information on who can bring a complaint, the sort of pension schemes included and time limits for bringing complaints. Annual reports, application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the site and details of related bodies are also included. Determinations of the Ombudsman are available in full back to 2001 and can be searched by keyword or date.

Adjudicator's Office

The Adjudicator's Office investigates complaints about HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the Valuation Office Agency and the Insolvency Service. The website has examples of the sort of complaints that are investigated and a selection of FAQs about the Office. Annual reports and guidance for people making complaints are available, in PDF format, along with an interactive guide on how to complain.

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