
Scottish Association for the Study of Offending

Website of the Scottish Association for the Study of Offending (SASO) a forum for "professional groups and individuals concerned with the issues raised by offending in Scotland". The site provides organisational details of the SASO Council, branches throughout Scotland, local conferences and membership information. There are full text (PDF) copies of the Associationãs journal the Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies made freely available online back to 2003.

Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

Website of the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) the body with responsibility for facilitating the work of the Children's Reporters and providing accommodation for Children's Hearings. Children's Hearings are distinct to Scotland and deal with both young offenders and children in need of care and protection. The site provides history, background and organisational information about the SCRA. There is information on the Children's Hearings System covering procedure and decision making.

Scottish legal history: a research guide

Online guide to Scottish legal history, from the feudal period to 1901, written by Yasmin Morais who is Cataloging Librarian at the Mason Law Library, University of the District of Columbia. The guide was published in 2008 (and updated in 2017) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives an introduction to the development of the court system and the establishment of the early Scottish parliament.

Open Access Scottish Law Reports

Website providing access to an archive of important Scottish session cases made freely available online by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting (SCLR). The archive contains cases from 1873 to 2007 and is being run using the Justis search interface. Reports can be searched by keyword or browsed by date and contain the case name, citation, court, judges and opinion. The SCLR is a non-profit company made up of Scottish judges, advocates and solicitors whose purpose is to manage the publication of its Session Cases law report series and other materials.

Society of Advocates in Aberdeen

Website of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen, an organisation representing lawyers working in the area. The site has general and historical information about the Society and its facilities. There is membership information and contact details are given for members of the Management Committee. The Resources section offers access to the Society's online library catalogue, forthcoming events and a page of related web links.

Trusts, Settlements and Estates Manual

Online version of the Trusts, Settlements and Estates Manual (TSEM1000) published by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on the UK government website. There is an introduction to trusts and sections providing guidance to the legislation and the legal background covering the law in England and Wales and in Scotland. There is a section on the difference types of trusts and on trusts set up for particular purposes such as employment related-trusts or heritage maintenance funds; other sections deal with trust enquires, trust income and trust management expenses.

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