
Scottish Social Services Council

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) was established in October 2001 by the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. Its main purpose is to register and regulate the social service workforce in Scotland . The website gives access to consultation documents, information leaflets on social work qualifications and the Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers. There is guidance on making a complaint and decisions of the SSSC can be viewed in PDF. The register of social service workers for Scotland can be searched on the site.

Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland

Website of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (MHTS), the forum for making decisions relating to the compulsory care and treatment of people under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. The site gives background information about the Tribunal, including related legislation; it also provides downloadable forms and the full text of appeals against decisions of the MHTS.

Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland

Website of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland (OCPAS) an independent body with responsibility for the regulation of appointments to Scotland’s public bodies. There is information on the appointments process and guidance for people thinking of applying to be a Board Member of a public body. Full text copies of the Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments and OCPAS’s equality and diversity strategy can be viewed on the site.

Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland)

The Office of the Public Guardian in Scotland is part of the Scottish Court Service; it was set up under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000. Its role is to supervise those who have been appointed to manage the financial or property affairs of adults who lack the capacity to do so for themselves. The site gives guidance on powers of attorney, access to funds, intervention orders and guardianship orders. There are forms to download and a link to the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000.

Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland

The Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland is responsible for Crown copyright and database rights relating to the work of the Scottish Government. The site provides full text access to Scottish legislation (Acts of the Scottish Parliament, Statutory Instruments and Explanatory Notes) as originally enacted from 1999 onwards. Free RSS feeds are available for accessing legislation added to the site in the last three days. There are links to UK Acts of Parliament and Statutory Instruments (from 1988 onwards) which apply exclusively or primarily to Scotland.

Pensions Appeal Tribunal Scotland

Website of the Pensions Appeal Tribunals for Scotland. These Tribunals hear appeals from ex-servicemen or women who have had their claims for a war pension rejected by the Secretary of State for Defence in Scotland. The site has a selection of FAQs on how to make an appeal and a medical appendix providing definitions for a range of medical conditions.

Accountant in Bankruptcy

The Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) is an agency of the Scottish Government, with responsibility for supervising and regulating the process of bankruptcy in Scotland. The website has guidance for people who are owed money, people at risk of bankruptcy, money advisors and legal practitioners dealing with insolvency cases. Legislation covering bankruptcy in Scotland, forms, consultations and reviews are also provided. A register of insolvencies is available to search, following free registration.

Crofting Commission

Website of the Crofters Commission, an organisation established in 1955 to develop and regulate the crofting system and to promote and protect the interests of crofters. Crofting is a system of land tenure, regulated through the Crofting Acts, found only in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. This site provides information on the role and functions of the Commission and on becoming a crofter. Publications of the Commission, including leaflets, can be viewed n the site. Forms, legislation and policy guidance can also be downloaded.

General Teaching Council for Scotland

The General Teaching Council for Scotland is a statutory organisation and the regulatory body for the teaching profession in Scotland. It aims to improve teaching and learning, enforce existing standards and act as an advocate for the teaching profession in Scotland. Users can find out how to register as a teacher training candidate, more about Initial Teacher Training, post-qualification probation and Continuing Professional Development.

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