Medical Law

Task Force on Life and the Law

Web pages of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, on the website of the State's Department of Health. The Task Force was formed in 1985, and convenes to consider important public policy issues to do with advances in medicine. A fact sheet on the website outlines the Task Force's mandate, and how its recommendations have had an impact on US legislation and court decisions.

Physicians for Human Rights

Website of Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) the international organisation which mobilises health professions and promotes the right to health for all. The site has background and organisational information about PHR and details of their campaigning work in the following areas: Darfur survival; health action AIDS; health and justice for youth; campaign against torture and the campaign to ban landmines. There is also information on their International Forensic Program which uses medical and scientific methods to investigate and expose violations of human rights.

American College of Legal Medicine

Web pages of the American College of Legal Medicine, a membership organisation concerned with the issues arising from the convergence of medicine and the law. The College provides educational courses, works to influence policy-making, promotes research and scholarship and facilitates communication between professionals. The site presents membership, background and organisational information. There are articles, an annotated list of related websites and guidelines for expert witnesses. Information on the College's publications is provided including contents pages and selected free articles.

Medical Litigation Online

An online medical negligence information service for UK professionals and the public from the publishers of Medical Litigation magazine edited by barrister Geoff Hall. The site is subscription only providing access to Medical Litigation Cases, a database of articles and details of experts and counsel. Summaries of relevant news stories are made freely available back to 2005 and can be searched by keyword. A page a related web links is also provided.

American Psychology - Law Society

This is the website for the American Psychology - Law Society. The site offers information of interest to members, with a News section, back copies of the society's newsletter, teaching resources and career information. The site is maintained The University of Nebraska Law - Psychology Program. Note that many of the files on the site are in Adobe PDF format.

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law is a multidisciplinary print publication produced quarterly by Duke University, USA. Articles contain original scholarship on matters embracing political science, economics, history, sociology, health services, research, philosophy and ethics. The journal also includes book reviews, comments, news and notes. The website offers contents listings and article abstracts from volume 20, 1995, onwards. In addition the site features 20 year cumulative author and subject indexes covering 1976-1995.

Researching laws and information on nutritional and dietary supplements on the web

Online guide to the law regulating nutritional and dietary supplements in the United States written by Joel Rothman who is an attorney with the Florida law firm Rutherford Mulhall, P.A. The guide was published on the features page of in January 2006 and provides information on the law and links to legislation, agencies and documentation relating to nutritional and dietary supplements. There is a section on the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) and guidance on how "new dietary ingredients" (NDI) and banned substances are dealt with.

NHGRI Policy and Legislation Database

This part of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) website provides free access to United States legal materials relating to genetic research. The database includes federal and state laws and statutes, federal legislative materials and federal administrative and executive materials. Topics covered include patenting, discrimination, genetic testing and counselling and privacy of genetic information. Content can be searched for by type, topic or source. There is also a clickable map which can be used to select state materials.

Neurotrauma Law Nexus

The Neurolaw website is hosted by United States law firm Fick and Petty who specialise in traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury litigation. The site is aimed at survivors and families affected by these issues. Background and medical information about traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury is given covering morbidity and mortality, costs, causes, prevention and living with these conditions. There is also information on the various causes of neurotrauma including coma injuries, electrical injury, toxic exposure, cranial nerve injury and multiple sclerosis.

Shipman Inquiry

The Shipman Inquiry was an independent public inquiry that began work in February 2001 under the chairmanship of Dame Janet Smith DBE. The Inquiry looked into the deaths of former patients of Harold Shipman and examined the systems and procedures in place. The website provides background information and documentation from the case, as well as details of the Inquiry team, ministerial statements and terms of reference. The site has transcripts of procedural meetings, witness statements, all the Inquiry reports and other documents.

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