Medical Law

Primary Health Lists Tribunal

The Primary Health Lists Tribunal has superseded the former Family Health Services Appeal Authority. It hears appeals by general medical practitioners, dentists, chemists and opticians against decisions taken by Primary Care Trusts relating to their lists of "medical performers". Its pages on the HM Courts and Tribuanl Service website give an overview of its role and provide rules and legislation, details of forthcoming cases and a link to decisions back to 2004.

National Senior Citizens Law Center

Website of the National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) an advocacy, litigation and training group based in Washington DC working on behalf of low income elderly and disabled people. The site has background information on key issues and cases the NSCLC is involved with covering the areas of federal rights, Medicaid, long-term care and income security. Each section has articles, news items, cases and case commentaries. NSCLC also publish a range of consumer publications on Medicare and nursing homes, details of which are given on the site.

National Health Law Program

The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) describes itself as a "national public interest law firm that seeks to improve health care for America's working and unemployed poor, minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities." The website has sections covering child health, Medicaid, Medicare, health disparities, reproductive health and rights and government accountability. The sections include links to relevant organisations, reports, decisions, news and policy documents. : A Project of the Independent Institute

This website is concerned with the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and its control over the licensing of new drugs and devices. It has been written by two American academics associated with the Independent Institute, Dr D Klein and Dr A Tabarrok. The site contains an evaluation of the costs and benefits of FDA policy, a detailed history of the FDA, a review of the major plans for FDA reform, a glossary of terms, a collection of quotes from economists who have studied the FDA, and a bibliography.

Center for Reproductive Rights, The (CRLP)

The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRLP) is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to promoting and defending women's reproductive rights worldwide. It focuses on human rights, abortion, contraception, adolescents and female circumcision/genital mutilation. The website provides information about legislation and court decisions as well as publications, press releases and a newsletter; it includes a continually-updated World Abortion Laws map. The site is available in Spanish or English.

Dalhousie Health Justice Institute

Internet site providing general information on the aims and work of the Dalhousie Health Justice Institute at Dalhousie University - an interdisciplinary Institute of the Faculties of Law, Medicine, Health Professions, and Dentistry with a focus on health law and policy. The site also provides descriptions of health law and policy programmes and courses provided in Dalhousie University, details of the Institute's projects and links to related websites. Full text annual reports from 1996-7 onwards can be downloaded from the site.

Food and Drug Law Institute

Website of the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI), a non profit organisation established in 1949 to facilitate public discussion and education on laws, regulations and policies affecting health care technologies, food and cosmetics in the United States. The website provides information about the FDLI's mission, staff, the composition of its advisory board and board of directors and its activities. These include organising conferences and academic programmes and publishing periodicals, directories and guides such as the Food & Drug Law Journal and the yearly FDA Directory.

Medico-Legal Society

Web pages for the Medico-Legal Society founded in 1901 in the United Kingdom to "promote medico-legal knowledge in all its aspects". The site publishes information about the Society's membership and application procedures; details of trustees and officers; and events programme listings. Information is also given on the Society's official journal, the Medico-Legal Journal with notes on current subscription rates, contents table for current issue and online sample articles. Additionally the site offers a small collection of links to related Internet sites.

Neurolaw and Criminal Justice

Online guide looking at forensic neuroscience and criminal justice in the United States written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published on in December 2008 and provides an introduction to the debate around the use of neuroscience in criminal cases including brain scanning to determine if a person is fit to stand trial. The author provides background to the science and gives links to news sources including blogs, recent publications, research centres, journals and professional bodies.

Neuroethics and Law Blog

The Neuroethics and Law Blog covers legal and ethical issues concerning the mind and the brain. It is edited by Adam J. Kolber of the University of San Diego. The blog is intended for bioethicists, legal academics, practitioners, neuroscientists, neurologists, criminologists and others. Posts highlight newly published research, news items and details of conferences and events. Links are given to journal articles, research papers and related websites. There is an archive of posts going back to July 2007.

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