Medical Law

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) regulates fertility treatment and research in the UK. Its website explains its regulatory work and provides inspection reports, policy consultation documents and other publications. The ‘About the HFEA’ section includes domestic and EU legislation and a scanned pdf version of the 1984 Warnock Report on IVF. There are information pages for donors; donor-conceived people; fertility patients; clinic staff; the media and researchers. The FAQs page includes guidance on making complaints.

Health and Care Professions Council

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is the regulator for social workers in England and for UK health and care professionals such as art therapists, clinical scientists, dietitians, occupational therapists, paramedics and physiotherapists. The HCPC website gives the full list of regulated professions and provides a searchable register of regulated individuals.

General Optical Council

The General Optical Council (GOC) is the regulator for the optical professions in the UK, registering optometrists, dispensing opticians, student opticians and optical businesses. Within the ‘General Public’ section, ‘Legislation’ contains a consolidated version with amendments of the Opticians Act 1989, GOC rules and regulations and amendments to Medicines Act legislation, all downloadable in PDF format.

British Medical Association

The British Medical Association (BMA) is the doctors’ professional organisation, representing doctors across all branches of medicine in the UK. The ‘Equality and Diversity’ section introduces the Equality Act 2010 and contains a short guide to the changes introduced by the Act. The ‘Medical Ethics’ section provides a range of guidance for doctors including ‘toolkits’, available in PDF, offering ethical guidance to doctors in areas such as child protection and the Mental Capacity Act. This section also contains a range of BMA publications, also in PDF format.

Human Tissue Authority

The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) is a watchdog which licences and regulates organisations that store and use human tissue from both the living and deceased. Its website includes sections on licensing and inspections; information about body, tissue and organ donation; legislation, policies and codes of practice, including links to the Human Tissue Act 2004 and the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006; HTA publications and HTA consultations.

General Medical Council

The General Medical Council (GMC) registers doctors to practise medicine in the UK. The ‘Registration and licensing’ section of the website allows users to search the List of Registered Medical Practitioners, a list of general practitioners eligible to work for the UK health service. It includes any publicly available fitness to practise history since 20 October 2005. There is a separate search facility for recent fitness to practise decisions. The ‘About us’ section provides links to relevant legislation, including a consolidated version with amendments of the Medical Act 1983.

General Dental Council

The General Dental Council (GDC) regulates dental professionals in the United Kingdom. The ‘Members of public’ section on the GDC’s website allows users to search for dentists, dental care professionals and specialists. This section also has information on complaints procedures and details of outcomes of recent hearings of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC), which are available in PDF format. The site also details standards for dental professionals and provides links to other relevant healthcare organisations, as well as providing information about the GDC itself

Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of all health and adult social care services in England. Its website provides information about what people can expect from health and social care providers, as well as results of reports and inspections. These can be searched by name, location or postcode, and are available to download in PDF format. The site also provides additional links to relevant health and social care organisations and information services.

General Pharmaceutical Council

The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has succeeded the Royal Pharmaceutical Society as the regulator for British pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacies. The GPhC’s website explains the work of the Council and makes available committee proceedings, consultation reponses, reports and other materials. Some Royal Pharmaceutical Society publications are available as well as GPhC materials. Searchable registers of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacies are also provided.

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is an executive agency of the Department of Health. It licenses and monitors medicines and reviews their advertising. Its website provides information about the work of the MHRA; it includes regulatory guidance, regulations, EU directives, consultation documents, newsletters and reports. Topics covered include the licensing of medicines; the licensing and regulation of herbal medicines; the regulation of medical devices; the regulation of nanotechnology; and clinical trials of medicines.

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