Intellectual Property Law


IPKat is an intellectual property blog produced by a group of UK-based IP lawyers and patent agents. Founded in 2003, it focuses on UK and European law and covers issues such as copyright, patents, trademarks and branding. Links to other relevant web resources such as cases, legislation, news sources and company websites are also included.

Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia

Website of the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (IPRIA) which is based at the University of Melbourne and run by the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics and Commerce and the Melbourne Business School. IPRIA was established to "increase the understanding, creation, use and exploitation of intellectual property by Australian organisations and individuals". The site provides information about courses and research work being undertaken at the Institute.


Website of beSpacific, a law and technology weblog written by Sabrina I. Pacifici, a law librarian and co-founder of the legal web journal The site is intended for legal professionals, librarians and researchers and focuses on United States news, providing a digest of legal stories covering "e-government, copyright, privacy, government documents, cybercrime and ID theft, the Patriot Act, and freedom of information." Each story has one or more subject headings and clicking these provides access to other stories within the same subject area eg.

Federal Institute for Industrial Property

Website of the Russian Federal Institute for Industrial Property (Rospatent) a federal executive agency responsible for all aspects of intellectual property protection in Russia. The site has details of the work Rospatent has done with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and other countries and international organisations. There is information about Rospatent's research and development work and copies of their annual reports.

World Intellectual Property Organization: Database of WIPO Cases and WIPO Panel Decisions

A free database of internet domain name dispute cases, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva. The Center offers alternative dispute resolution services in international commercial disputes between private parties. All the domain name cases back to 1999 are available in the database, searchable by domain name, key word, party names or case number. The full text of the decisions is available. The site also provides indexes of decisions by domain name category and by legal point, together with lists of the most-cited cases.


A freely available online resource guide created by Daniel Tysver of the Minnesota-based law firm Beck & Tysver, which provides information on intellectual property and technology law. The site is divided into subject areas such as patent law, software patents, trademark law, copyright law and internet law. Each section has an executive summary followed by links to more in-depth coverage of the topic and specific pieces of legislation.

Ius Mentis

The website Ius Mentis is a Dutch-language resource guide to intellectual property law in the field of computers, programming and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) generally. The site is produced by Arnoud Engelfriet an IT-lawyer and patent attorney and is intended for those with an ICT background as well as lawyers. The site is divided into a number of sections relating to particular aspects of intellectual property law in the ICT context, including patents, copyright, trademarks, database rights and software.


esp@cenet is a free gateway to a patents search engine which can find UK, European, US and Japanese patent applications using one single search form. The esp@cenet quick search option defaults to the Worldwide database where users can search by words in the title or abstract or persons or organisations. Users can also conduct searches by number, classification or a range of parameters using the advanced search option. If available, the original application along with a description of the invention and drawings are made freely available online.

Williams Powell

Willams Powell is a London-based firm of patent and trade mark attorneys. Their website gives a brief introduction to and definitions of patents, trade marks, design and copyright. General guidance is provided on filing a patent, writing a patent specification, patent searching and the likely costs involved. There is also advice on choosing and registering trade marks. Advice for overseas patent and trade mark attorneys is given on the site and brief guidance for people wishing to register patents or trade marks abroad.

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