Intellectual Property Law


Free global database of domestic laws and treaties relating to intellectual property, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Both bilateral and multilateral treaties are included. The database can be either searched or browsed. Many of the national laws and bilateral treaties are in the vernacular, but some English translations are provided. The interface is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.

Primary sources on copyright (1450 to 1900)

This website is provided by the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge. It covers the evolution of copyright law in Britain, Germany, France, Italy and the United States from 1450 to 1900. Documents available on the site include statutes, judicial decisions, contracts, treatises and privileges; for each one users can view the digital image, a transcription, commentary and, in some cases, a translation. The database can be searched by keyword or browsed by legislation, case law, institution, place or person.

WIPO Reference

Portal to the World Intellectual Property Organization's collections of intellectual property resources and information. From this page is is possible to search the following databases: PATENTSCOPE (national and international patent information); Brands (various trademark databases); classifications of patents, marks and designs; domain name dispute information; national laws and treaties on intellectual property of WIPO, WTO and UN Members; international registrations of industrial designs and the full text of WIPO standards, recommendations and guidelines.

Mexican Trademark and Copyright Law as it applies to E-Commerce

An online research guide focusing on industrial property, trademark and copyright laws relating to electronic commerce in Mexico. The guide, prepared by Jose-Juan Mendez, a local partner of Baker & McKenzie in Mexico City, provides commentary supplemented by a selection of links to sources available on the internet. The author describes trademark and copyright measures in Mexican law and outlines the risk of using trademarks and copyrights in e-commerce and the Internet.


An electronic journal and resource guide concerned with Internet and the legal and regulatory aspects of the global market and information technology, edited by Richard Swetenham. Papers, news stories and links published in the journal, deal with topics such as: copyright, data protection, liability and protection of minors with reference to individual countries worldwide as well as comparative and international perspectives. Articles are linked from headline news stories arranged by date and may be accessed via an alphabetical list of subject categories.

IP Australia

IP Australia is the government agency responsible for granting rights in patents, trademarks and designs in Australia. Its website explains the agency's work and gives guidance on Australian intellectual property rights and regulation. It provides searchable databases giving details of existing IP rights; journals relating to trademarks, patents and designs; official notices; manuals; Australian Federal intellectual property legislation; official forms; and trade mark decisions.

Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong

Website of the Intellectual Property Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The site has information arranged under the following headings: trademarks; patents; design and copyright including laws, circulars, practical information for users and FAQs. There is also organisational information about the Department as a whole and notices from the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal relating to trademarks, patents and designs. There is background information on intellectual property and how to apply for registration in Hong Kong.

Pipers Virtual Intellectual Property Library

This site is dedicated to patent, copyright, trademark and intellectual property information. It has been developed by the New Zealand patent and trademark attorneys, Pipers. The site provides guidance and information on intellectual property issues with separate sections aimed at small businesses, inventors and corporate officers. In-house articles on various aspects of IP law are also made freely available on the site. Other facilities include a directory of patent attorneys with contact details and website links, a glossary of IP terms and links to New Zealand patent organisations.

Japan Patent Office

Website of the Japanese Patent Office. The site includes a history and outline of the industrial property system in Japan. There is guidance on obtaining rights in Japan and information on the role and organisation of the Patent Office. There are also features on legislation and practice changes and the promotion policy for patent distribution. The text of selected committee documents, reports and speeches are available in full-text and there is a link to the Japanese Industrial Property Digital Library (NPDL). The site can be viewed in English and Japanese.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Official website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), which is a Special Operating Agency associated with the government department Industry Canada. The CIPO is responsible for the administration and processing of much of the intellectual property in Canada and has official responsibilities in regard to patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies.

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