Family Law

Child Abduction Section

Child Abduction Section of the website of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). There is a full text copy of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 and a list of countries who have signed or ratified the Convention. Contact details for the relevant government authority in each country is given along with documentation relating to the Convention and relevant HCCH publications.

Seeking bypass: what will ultimately end confidence in the necessity of parental involvement laws?

Online article published on law and technology website in 2009, looking at US laws relating to parental involvement when abortions are sought by minors. The author is Diana Philip of the Women's Health Leadership Network, who is also on the advisory board for Lilith: A Fund for Reproductive Equity. The article outlines the history of young women's reproductive rights in the US, providing references to key texts and links to landmark cases.

Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

Website of the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) the body with responsibility for facilitating the work of the Children's Reporters and providing accommodation for Children's Hearings. Children's Hearings are distinct to Scotland and deal with both young offenders and children in need of care and protection. The site provides history, background and organisational information about the SCRA. There is information on the Children's Hearings System covering procedure and decision making.

Abuse Law

The Abuse Law website is a micro site of Abney Garsden McDonald Solicitors, a specialised child abuse compensation law firm in Cheshire. The site provides information aimed at child and adult survivors of physical, sexual and psychological abuse and professionals working for survivors of abuse. There is guidance, in the form of FAQs, on civil and criminal court procedure and on being a witness in court. There is guidance to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme and information on the Human Rights Act and legal aid.

Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family

Repository of material produced by the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF), an independent research organisation that was established at the University of Calgary in Canada in 1987 and closed in 2018. CRILF's activities are focused on research and education in the field of family law. A large proportion of its publications can be downloaded in full here, but for some older material only publication details and abstracts are available.

Family Law Matters

Blog by English law firm SpainWilliams, which specialises in family law. It covers topics such as abuse, children, civil partnership, cohabitation, contact, divorce, finances, harassment, pensions, pre-nuptial agreements, property; separation and violence.

Commission on European Family Law

The Commission on European Family Law (CEFL) is based at the Molengraaff Institute for Private Law, University of Utrecht. It is made up of European experts in family and comparative law. The aim of CEFL is to further the harmonisation of family law in Europe through the creation of a set of Principles of European Family Law. The site provides organisational and contact information for the Commission, details of conferences and events and links to selected European legislation on family law.

Inter-American Children's Institute

The Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN) is a specialised organisation of the Organization of American States (OAS), focusing on the promotion and protection of children's rights. The website has background information on the IIN, including its statutes and rules of procedure. IIN publications are available and the site also provides information on the Institute's work in the areas of child law, children's rights, combating sexual exploitation and tackling child abduction.  The site can be viewed in English or Spanish but some of the content is in Spanish only.

Transnational and Comparative Family Law: harmonization and implementation

Online guide to electronic and print sources in transnational and comparative family law by Marylin Johnson Raisch, who was Associate Director for Research and Collection Development at the Georgetown Law Center until her retirement. The guide was updated in 2022 and is published on New York University's Globalex website. The author gives an introduction to transnational law and provides links to major international agreements sponsored by the Hague Conference, United Nations, Council of Europe, the department of Private International Law at the U.S.

Alternative Family Law

Alternative Family Law is a solicitors' firm specialising in family law, divorce and civil partnership dissolution. Its website describes alternative ways of conducting divorce proceedings, including collaborative law and mediation. There is guidance on divorce procedures and links are provided to organisations and forms. Advice is also given on financial aspects of divorce, the dissolution of civil partnerships, surrogacy, gay parenting, and divorce with an international element. The site is available in English or German.

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