Family Law

Association of Child Abuse Lawyers

Website for the UK's Association of Child Abuse Lawyers, an organisation aiming to offer practical support for lawyers and other professionals working for adults and children who have been abused. The site has advice aimed at survivors and contact details of solicitors specialising in child abuse work. There is a page of news stories, details of training courses and a page of related web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Elder Law Journal

Web pages of the Elder Law Journal, published twice yearly by students at the University of Illinois College of Law. The journal publishes policy decisions and guidance on the law relating to old people (for example wills, long-term nursing care and US health care). The journal is intended mainly for US attorneys, but may also be of interest to social workers, gerontologists, and medical practitioners. The website is maintained by the staff of the journal, and contains details of contents and abstracts from the first issue in 1993 to date.

International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family

The International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (online ISSN: 1464-3707) began in 1987, and is published by Oxford University Press. The journal is aimed at lawyers and social scientists, and brings together legal, social scientific, and interdisciplinary articles on the family which are of interest to scholars worldwide. Its website includes tables of contents and abstracts of articles from volume 10 (1996) onwards, together with a search facility. It also has details of the Editorial Board, registration and subscription information, and instructions to authors. 

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the Children's Bureau, part of Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is a national resource for professionals in the United States seeking information on adoption, child welfare and child abuse and neglect. It includes online publications and fact sheets, summaries of state statutes, clearinghouse catalogue, specialised services, online databases and directories, and related sites.

Adoption and Child Welfare LawSite

The Adoption and Child Welfare LawSite is hosted by the National Center for Adoption Law and Policy at Capital University Law School in the United States. The aim of the Center is to improve child protection laws in the U.S. through research, advocacy and education. The site is a free online resource providing access to state and federal child welfare and adoption laws and cases. Information can be searched or browsed by state and document type including cases, statutes, articles and regulations. There is a page of links to related bodies and individual state court Websites.

Representing Children Worldwide

Representing Children Worldwide (RCW) was a research project of the Yale Law School conducted during 2005 by Clinical Professor Jean Koh Peters. The research is described as being a "global snapshot of legal provisions to guarantee children's right to express views freely in child protective proceedings". The project was concerned with child protection proceedings in the United States and other countries that are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC). The site provides a summary of the research.

Family Law Week

Family Law Week is a site providing information and training on family law issues to the legal profession. The site includes articles, news items and full text judgments. Statutory Instruments are provided back to 2005 along with practice directions and guidance. Monthly newsletters provide a round up of family law developments. Access to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) resources can be bought online and other features include job advertisements and family law web links. The whole site can be searched using a site search engine.

Family Justice Council

The Family Justice Council (FJC) was set up by the Department of Constitutional Affairs (DCA) following the consultation paper, 'Promoting inter-agency working in the family justice system' published in 2002. The purpose of the FJC is to "promote an inter-disciplinary approach to the needs of family justice" and their work includes identifying best practice in the family justice system and consulting with government departments on current policy. Background information on the FJC including their activities and terms of reference is given on the site.

International Child Abduction Database

The International Child Abduction Database (INCADAT) was established by the Hague Conference on Private International Law and is made freely available on their website. INCADAT provides access to decisions taken by national courts in respect of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Decisions can be browsed by state or searched for using parameters such as case name, court, judges, state, date, legal basis or keyword. The full record (requires free registration) also includes a summary of the facts of the case.

Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature

Online bibliography compiled by Paul Axel-Lute of the Rutgers Law Library at the Rutgers School of Law-Newark in the United States. The bibliography was first published in September 2002 and was last updated in June 2010. The emphasis is on US law and the bibliography provides references and links to materials supporting both sides of the argument. There is a brief introduction giving background and historical information to the movement for same-sex marriage and the first part of the bibliography includes web based resources and books.

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