Family Law

Woolley & Co Solicitors

Website of Woolley & Co a United Kingdom based firm of solicitors specialising in divorce law. As well as information relating to Woolley & Co's legal services the site provides access to freely available advice and information relating to the divorce process. Subjects covered include children and child maintenance, matrimonial assets, legal aid, advice for UK citizens living abroad, unmarried couples, civil partnerships and domestic violence. The site also includes links to relevant organisations, documentation and articles along with a divorce flow chart.

Coram Children's Legal Centre

The Coram Children's Legal Centre is a charitable organisation established in 1981 and based at the University of Essex. The Centre deals with law and policy issues affecting children and young people. The site provides information about the work of the Centre which includes legal advice, research and policy and campaign work. Annual indexes from the Centre's monthly journal, Childright appear on the site. There is a selection of FAQs on common legal issues, and links to other organisations providing services for young people.

High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland Family Division Decisions

A BAILII database containing decisions of the Northern Ireland High Court of Justice, Family Division. The database contains all decisions from 2000 onwards to date. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility and Recent Cases listing. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service providing free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Family Law Council

Website of the Australian Family Law Council, a statutory body set up to advise the Attorney-General. The site provides information about the work of Council and makes available its reports, discussion papers, Letters of Advice to the Attorney General and other publications.

Family Court of Australia

Official website of the Family Court of Australia who describe their purpose as "facilitating the resolution of disputes arising from family separation". The site has information about the court including administrative details such as court lists, fees, downloadable forms and case management directions. There is advice aimed at the general public dealing with issues such as divorce, separation, children, property and money matters and a selection of online brochures dealing with mediation services, parental responsibility and maintenance procedure.

Children's Hearings Scotland

Children's Hearings is a website of the Scottish Government providing information about the care and justice system for children in Scotland. The site provides background information to the Children 's Hearings System with particular sections aimed at children and families. Copies of Children's Hearings procedures are available to download in PDF. Additional materials provided include, annual reports, seminar reports, learning resource packs, a copy of the Kilbrandon Report and links to related websites.

On Divorce

Website of On Divorce an online guide aimed at people experiencing divorce and separation. The guide provides annotated links to websites, case studies and articles supplying information and advice on topics relating to divorce and separation. The section on legal advice has links to resources providing legal information, legislation related to divorce and separation and sites dealing with benefits, child support and pensions. There are summaries of press articles, recommended books and guides, and a legal advice helpline.

Crimes Against Children Research Center

Website of the Crimes Against Children Research Center (CCRC) which is based at the University of New Hampshire in the United States. The aim of the CCRC is to "combat crimes against children by providing high quality research and statistics to the public, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners". The site has profiles of researchers, details of publications and links to related websites.

Website of a site providing articles and legal information on divorce in the United States produced by LawTek Media Group, LLC. Legal resources are arranged by state and contain legislation, judicial opinions, bar associations, articles, bulletin boards and local lawyers. Other topics covered on the site include mediation, insurance, bankruptcy and military divorce. These sections have articles, books, FAQs and links to relevant organisations. Questions relating to divorce can be posted on the site and are answered by divorce, counselling and tax experts.

International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

Website of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) a "worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and expert family law specialists in their respective countries". The IAML was founded in 1986 and their aim is to improve international family law practice throughout the world. The website provides background information about the work of the academy, gives profiles of it's members and officials and details of events. Copies of the IAML Newsletter are available in PDF on the website.

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