
Finding the Law of the Micro-States and Small Jurisdictions of Europe

Online guide, written by Andrew Grossman who is a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, to finding sources of primary and secondary law for “small jurisdictions” of Europe -defined as “political entities having a population under one million persons”. The guide was published in 2024 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author gives links to academic works on micro-states and to law libraries that hold printed materials on these jurisdictions.

European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) Search Engine

Search facility covering the national case databases of the EU member states that use ECLI references, plus cases from the Court of Justice of the EU. Searchable by member state, court, area of law and other criteria. Key word searches must, as a rule, use the language of the member state/s whose cases you want to find, however, a small proportion of the cases have been translated into other languages. The search engine is one of the tools offered by the European e-Justice Portal, an initiative of the European Commission and EU member states.

Red: Revista Electrónica de Direito

RED - Revista Electrónica de Direito is a full-text electronic journal published by the law faculty of the University of Porto and its Legal and Economic Research Centre. The journal aims to encourage research and dissemination in the areas of legal-business and legal-economic sciences, with particular focus on comparative law, European law and contributions from different Portuguese speaking countries. The peer reviewed journal is published every four months and articles may appear in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, English or German.

Verfassungsblog - on matters constitutional

Verfassungsblog - on matters constitutional was founded in 2009 by legal journalist and writer Maximilian Steinbeis. Blog posts provide topical comment and analysis on issues of constitutional law and policy in Germany, Europe and beyond. The majority of posts are written in English or German; a regular editorial is provided in both languages. Posts are written by a wide range of academic contributors and are aimed at the general public.  A basic search function is available.

ELSA Law Review

The ELSA Law Review is a peer-reviewed journal edited by law students and published by the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA). First established in 1989, the journal ran till 1996 and was revived in 2015. It is available online free of charge, or in printed format by subscription. The main focus of the journal is on human rights law in an international context, but it also covers other legal topics.

European Consortium for Church and State Research

The European Consortium for Church and State Research is an organisation of academics from across Europe with an interest in ecclesiastical law. The purpose of the Consortium is to promote the “development of studies of Ecclesiastical Law and of the relations between states and religious confessions in Europe”. The Consortium holds annual meetings the proceedings of which are made available on the site. Meetings in recent years have focused on law and religion in the workplace, religious adjudication and the state and public authorities and the training of religious personnel in Europe.

DART-Europe E-Theses Portal

Europe-wide portal to doctoral theses and some master’s dissertations, most of which are available in full. DART-Europe covers all subjects, including law. Users may search by keyword, or browse by university, country, year or collection. The abstracts and theses/dissertations are in many different European languages, including English. The search interface is in English.

LERU Law Portal

Portal to open access legal research material from the law faculties at twelve leading European universities. Launched in 2014, LERU includes details of more than 45,000 doctoral theses, articles, book chapters, conference papers and other documents, many of which are available to download in full. Users can browse by university or year, or search by key words; search results can be filtered by language, author, year and other criteria.

Juricaf: la jurisprudence francophone des cours suprêmes

Collection of judgments from the highest French-speaking national and regional courts, provided free of charge by AHJUCAF, the Association of Francophone Supreme Courts (L'association des cours judiciaires suprêmes francophones), in partnership with the Université Paris I. As well as individual African, European, South-East Asian and American jurisdictions, Juricaf covers the courts of international organisations such as the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEDAC) and the Council of Europe.

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