Commercial and Company Law

Companies House (UK)

All limited companies in the UK must register with Companies House, which is an Executive Agency of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Companies House section of the UK government website provides a free database of company information, covering the current and previous names of each company, its registered address, insolvency details (if any) and other data. It also provides guidance on guides about setting up a company, registering a company related matters, and makes available official forms.

Review of Law and Economics

The Review of Law and Economics is an electronic legal journal published in cooperation with the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE) and the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) and made available on the bepress website. The journal publishes articles on "theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research in law and economics-related subjects". Article summaries are provided in HTML and include the date the article was submitted and a suggested citation. Full-text articles are available in PDF to users whose institutions subscribe to the titles.

International Business Law Consortium

Website of the International Business Law Consortium (IBLC), a membership organisation of law and accountancy firms which forms part of the Center for International Legal Studies in Austria. The IBLC is concerned with the development of professional knowledge and skills. The site includes a directory of members, live news feeds and information about speakers with expertise in particular areas. The Consortium's International Directory of Corporate Symbols and Business Terms is made available free in the Publications section. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission Legislation Library

British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI-FSC) website provides access to full-text legislation dealing with banking, finance, business, insurance and money laundering issues. The legislation can be browsed or searched using the site search engine. It is also possible to specify which division the legislation relates to such as banking and fiduciary, shipping, insurance or investment. Legislation is presented in full-text in PDF format.

Direct Selling Europe

Website of Direct Selling Europe an online information resource providing details of the organisation's aims and activities in the area of direct selling. European in scope, this trade association represents renowned direct selling companies and associations and is committed to promoting a legislative environment that aids the development and operations of its members. The site offers definitions of what direct selling is, and what it is not; typical companies and products in the industry and data on the numbers of people involved in direct selling.

Inter-Pacific Bar Association

Website of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) an international organisation of lawyers who have an interest, or are based, in the Asia-Pacific region. The IPBA was established in 1991 and focuses on business and commercial law. The site gives background information about the IPBA including a copy of its Constitution, details of officers and events. There is information on the work of the various committees which cover international trade, aerospace, energy, environmental and maritime law.

Shareholder Rights

The Shareholder Rights website is made freely available online by Brabners Chaffe Street a firm of solicitors based in the North West of England. The site contains guidance relating to the legal position of shareholders in a Private Limited Company and includes information about the structure of a company and the role of directors, company secretaries and shareholders. Advice is also given on shareholder disputes, how to value shareholdings and how to sell shares in a Private Limited Company.

Hertfordshire Law Journal

The Hertfordshire Law Journal (HLJ) is published twice yearly by the University of Hertfordshire's Centre for International Law and is made available on their website for free. The HLJ was launched in 2002 and focuses on international commercial law and policy. It is aimed at academics, practitioners and those in the business community.

Commercial Bar Association

Website of the London based Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR) an organisation representing barristers who work in the field of international or commercial law. The site provides background information on COMBAR, the Commercial Bar, the work of a barrister and services offered by commercial barristers. The COMBAR Directory lists the chambers and individual barristers who are members of COMBAR. Publications including speeches, responses and articles can be downloaded from the site in full text along with conference papers.

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