Commercial and Company Law

Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology

Website of the Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology at the School of Law, University of Washington in Seattle, US. The Center was established to provide leadership in teaching, research and policy analysis in the legal aspects of emerging technologies. In its website, the Center places an emphasis on the role of the consumer in the complex electronic marketplace, and focuses on telecommunications and other policy issues relating to the internet and e-commerce.

British Management Data Foundation

Web pages of the British Management Data Foundation, an independent body active since 1979, with a membership base of major British companies. The Foundation is concerned with global competitiveness in business. Its website gives a profile of the Foundation and provides summaries of BMDF meetings. BMDF publications about the EU treaties of Amsterdam and Nice and the Constitutional Treaty are featured (but there is nothing available about the recent Treaty of Lisbon).

Company Law Club

Company Law Club is a website providing company law information and offering company law services. Run by Company Law Solutions Ltd., the site includes introductory information about company law, links to legislation, newsletters and other material. Its Company Law Library covers topics such as shares, trademarks, company formation, legislation and the role of directors. Links to other resources concerned with company law are available, both for UK and overseas. Forms concerned with company law can be displayed (PDF) and these originate in Companies House.

Practical Law

Practical Law is a Thomson Reuters subscription database providing a range of resources for lawyers, including contracts, toolkits, documents, practice notes and training materials. A wide range of practice areas are covered including construction, banking, employment, environmental, intellectual property and tax law.

Legal Week

Legal Week is an online legal newspaper aimed at commercial lawyers in the United Kingdom. Its website provides articles about about law firms, national and international legal developments, management and IT and deals. There is a section providing editorial comment, columns and blogs. Other areas of the site include a vacancies database, an events listing and articles aimed at law students. A searchable archive is available back to 1999.

Bond Law Review

Peer reviewed open-access journal published by Bond University, Queensland, Australia. Focuses on Australian law and occasionally that of other jurisdictions, including New Zealand and China. The entire series is available, from volume 1, 1989, onwards.

Journal of Law and Economics

Website for the Journal of Law and Economics (ISSN 0022-2186) published twice a year by the University of Chicago. The journal was established in 1958, and aims to explore the complex relationships between law and economics, focusing on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Although topically varied, articles are most often concerned with how markets behave and with the actual effects of governmental institutions on markets, providing a basis for an informed discussion of public policy.

Dispute Resolution Services: ICC: International Chamber of Commerce

Dispute resolution section of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) website. Provides information about the ICC International Court of Arbitration and other ICC dispute resolution services, covering costs, rules, model clauses and other topics. The Professional Development section has a link to the ICC Dispute Resolution Library (however, this is easier to find from The Dispute Resolution Library is partly fee-based, but has a free facility for looking up ICC awards to find out where they have been published.

Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) is an independent, self-regulating professional body, founded in 1891 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1902. It is the leading professional body for company secretaries and corporate administrators in the public, private and voluntary sectors and acts as the professional forum for members and students worldwide. The website of the UK & Ireland branch contains information about the Institute and details of governance qualifications.

Legal 500

Online versions of Legalease's directories to the legal profession: Legal 500, Asia Pacific Legal 500 and the US Legal 500 and the Europe, Middle East and Africa Legal 500. The site lists legal practitioners and firms from all over the world, searchable by country and region. Overviews of the legal market in each country are given along with legal news and law firm news. There are articles on different specialisations within commercial law written by legal practitioners.

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