Commercial and Company Law

Labuan FSA official website

The Labuan Financial Services Authority is a statutory body created under the Labuan Financial Services Act 1996. It is responsible for the development and administration of the Labuan International Business and Financial Centre and acts as its central regulatory, supervisory and enforcement authority. The website gives details of the legislation and guidelines governing the business activities of the Labuan IBFC. There is also more general information about Labuan FSA (organisation chart, staff directory, mission statement) and the activities of the Labuan IBFC.

Droit des affaires au Tchad

Collection of legal materials relating to business and company law in Chad, on Droit-Afrique.Com, a web portal to business law in French-speaking Africa. The site gives details of pan-African organisations of which Chad is a member and provides fiscal, commercial, welfare, investment and mining laws of the country. There is a page of links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Chad. The site is in French only.

Droit des affaires en République Centrafricaine

Collection of legal materials relating to business and company law in Central African Republic, on Droit-Afrique.Com, a web portal to business law in French-speaking Africa. The site gives details of pan-African organisations of which Central African Republic is a member and provides fiscal, commercial, welfare, investment and mining laws of the country. There is a page of links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Central African Republic. The site can be viewed in French only.

Company Names Tribunal

The Company Names Tribunal is a UK public body that deals with cases where a name appears to have been registered in order to extract money or to prevent another party from registering it. Its website provides decisions and orders of the Tribunal, forms, procedural information and announcements.

Financial Reporting Council

The Financial Reporting Council is the UK independent regulator which deals with corporate reporting and governance. The site contains information about the work of the FRC, a list of members and the text of its annual review which summarises the work of all parts of the organisation for the year along with the Report and Accounts. There are some free copies of accounting standards on the website.

German Business Law

This site is produced by Joachim Rudo, a Berlin based attorney who has compiled a selection of English language resource guides relating to different areas of German law. This page focuses on German business law and includes commentary on German corporate law, antitrust law and competition law, distribution systems in Germany, intellectual property rights, insolvency law, employment law and social security in Germany. There are links to German legislation, courts and governmental websites.

German business and commercial laws: guide to translations into English and select auxiliary sources

A bibliographic guide to business and commercial laws in the Federal Republic of Germany, listing English translations, research aids and sources. The guide was written by Dr. Sebastian Omlor who is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Comparative Law at the University of Marburg School of Law in Germany. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2022) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, University of Cambridge

The Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL), University of Cambridge, was established in 1997. It promotes research on corporate and commercial law through conferences, research support, fellowships, visiting fellows, and publications. This site outlines all of its activities over the past five years, and profiles the research interests of key members of staff and the management committee. A schedule of forthcoming seminars and conferences is included, as are profiles of recent publications, including the Journal of Corporate Law Studies (JCLS).

Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate

Web page describing the law reform initiatives of Canada's Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Directorate (CILPD), which is responsible for reviewing Canada's business and insolvency laws, regulations and policies. The CILPD forms part of the Marketplace Framework Policy Branch of Industry Canada. The site publishes a number of consultation documents, questionnaires and background research documents on subjects such as bankruptcy and insolvency law, corporate not-for-profit law and Canada's law on cooperatives. A list of the legislation currently under review is published.

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