Civil Rights

World Organization Against Torture

The World Organization Against Torture is a non-profit human rights advocacy group described as the "main coalition of international non-governmental organisations (NGO) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment".The website provides access to policy documents, reports and events covering their main programme areas. These include the rights of the child, violence against women, assistance to victims and addressing the economic, social and cultural causes of torture.

Western Australian Information Commissioner Decisions

An AustLII database containing decisions from the Western Australian Information Commissioner from 1994 onwards. Decisions are in full-text HTML format and can be searched or browsed by case name or date. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-governmental organisation which seeks to protect human rights all over the world. Its website provides up to date information on its work as well as access to many of its publications.

Association for Participatory Democracy 'ADEPT'

The Association for Participatory Democracy, known also as "ADEPT" is a non governmental body which seeks to promote democratic values in Moldova. Its website provides information on its aims, organisation and recent activities. It includes access to press releases, papers and reports relating to its monitoring of elections in Moldova since 2000. Also accessible are project reports on post-communist political and economic transitions in Moldova, assessments of the state of democracy, and the development of civil society. Information is offered in English.

First Amendment Handbook

Electronic version of a handbook outlining provisions and interpretations of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, free speech, free press and rights of assembly and petition in the United States.

Online resource produced by the Danish Centre for Human Rights in cooperation with a number of Danish NGOs. The site provides news on human rights issues collected from Radio Denmark, the national daily newspapers, Berlingske Tidende, Information, Politiken and the weekly Weekend Nu. It includes links to other national and international organisations working on human rights issues. The site is available in Danish or English.

European Roma Rights Center

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) monitors the human rights situation of Roma in Europe and offers legal defence to Romani victims in cases of human rights abuse. The organisation also publishes news about Romani civil rights and human rights abuses relating to Roma. The ERRC website provides the Center's quarterly newsletter Roma Rights, together with ERRC publications on Roma listed by country, region and theme. The site is in English, with some materials in Romani or Russian.

Global Exchange

Founded in 1988 and based in St. Francisco, USA, Global Exchange is a 'non-profit research, education, and action' organisation, 'dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world'. Its colourful website offers information and news about the organisation's activities, including its ongoing Global Exchange campaigns on issues in the USA and various third world countries (especially in South America).


AMICUS is a free online supplement to the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review (CR-CL). It seeks to offer a space for online debate about the latest research on civil rights (with a special emphasis on the civil rights of African-Americans). Although a broad range of other areas of civil rights are also covered including freedoms, online rights. The site includes articles, opinion pieces and a conversations area containing organised debates amongst scholars.

State-sponsored homophobia

Series of reports issued every year or so by The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World). Available in English and Spanish, they provide a worldwide survey of national legal systems and laws, highlighting discrimination based on sexual orientation.

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