Civil Rights

Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

Web pages for the Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, published three times a year from 1992 onwards, and edited by students at the Washington College of Law. The journal publishes articles addressing social and political equality under the law, and aims to attract those interested in gender issues and feminist legal studies. The website provides tables of contents from 1992, together with the first few pages of articles from Volume 7 (1998-99) onwards. Subscriptions can be purchased from William S. Hein and Co. Full text is available through LEXIS and Westlaw.

Harvard Blackletter Law Journal

The Harvard Blackletter Law Journal (ISSN:0897-2761), is published annually by students at Harvard Law School, with the assistance of a faculty advisory board. The journal aims to disseminate legal literature, thought and ideas which have direct impact on theAfrican American and other minority communities, by questioning traditional constitutionalism and promoting civil rights, especially issues of law and race, gender, class and sexuality.

Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy

The Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy is produced by students at Duke University School of Law, aided by a board of faculty advisors. The print journal began publication in 1994 and is published annually. The journal is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to discussion of gender issues in the context of law and public policy. Articles are solicited from practitioners, academics and Duke graduate students. The website includes articles from volume 4 (1997) onwards.

Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review

Website for the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review (ISSN: 0017-8039), founded in 1966 and edited by students at the Harvard Law School. This biannual journal aims to bring a progressive approach to the current issues affecting civil rights and civil liberties. Articles are contributed by students, professors and practitioners and the website provides tables of contents from Volume 1 (1966) onwards and full text articles from 2002 onwards.

Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law has been published since 1991 by students at Columbia University School of Law. The biannual Journal has an interdisciplinary approach to national and international gender-related issues, relevant to people of different colour, class, sexual orientation, and culture. The aim is to advance feminist scholarship and to interest students, practitioners and academics. The website provides tables of contents and abstracts of most articles from volume 1 (1991) onwards.

Campaign for Freedom of Information

The Campaign for Freedom of Information is a UK based non-profit organisation which is calling for greater transparency in government. Its website provides details of its activities and news of current parliamentary legislation relating to freedom of information in local and central government, whistle-blowing, data protection and issues relating to access to personal information. It includes briefings and reports produced by the campaign relating to the Freedom of Information Bill and Act which provide critical commentary on its coverage and provisions.

Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest

An online interdisciplinary journal conceived and managed by students at the University of Richmond's T.C. Williams School of Law. The journal is published approximately twice a year and contains feature articles and case commentaries. The journal seeks to reach beyond the academic legal community, to examine the law as it takes shape in society and stimulate interactive debate. Online issues are available from Fall 1996 onwards in full text.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women is a feminist human rights non-governmental organisation that works internationally to oppose all forms of sexual exploitation. Their website contains recent news relating to trafficking in women, a list of international contacts, publications and statements, campaign news, and a factbook on global sexual exploitation. Available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Michigan Journal of Law Reform

Founded in the late 1960s, the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform is published by the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, USA. The journal is dedicated to law reform orientated articles and student notes. It seeks to improve the law and its administration by providing a forum for discussion that identifies contemporary issues for reform efforts, proposes concrete means to accomplish change, and evaluates the impact of law reform in the US. As contributions to this discussion, the Journal welcomes multidisciplinary and empirical work.

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