Webpages of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia, founded in 1963, and remodelled under the 1991 Constitution of Slovenia. Under the Constitutional Court Act (1994), the Court is "the highest body of judicial authority for the protection of constitutionality, legality, human rights and basic freedoms" in Slovenia. This site presents basic information about the Court (history, powers, composition) and the full-text, in HTML, of the Constitution of Slovenia of 1991 and of the Constitutional Court Act of 1994. It also offers the Court's rules of procedure, and selected links to other law-related sites. The case law available on the site includes a collection of decisions of 1994 (ASCII text), 1995 decisions (abstracts and full-text), and an index of case law 1992-1996. The presentation and texts are mainly in English, with some texts in Slovene, German and French.
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
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