Website providing access to NAMLEX the Index to the Laws of Namibia along with a number of individual full-text (PDF) Namibian laws. NAMLEX is published by the Legal Assistance Centre of Namibia and this page forms part of the LAC Website. The document is provided as a PDF file and contains an alphabetical listing of statutes, an index of subject terms and a brief legal history of Namibia. Each individual entry contains the title of the statute, a brief summary and a list of amendments, regulations and cases relating to the statute. Full text laws on the site include the Namibian Constitution, the Married Persons Equality Act 1, 1996, the Traditional Authorities Act 25, 2000, the Maintenance Act and the Combating of Rape Act 8 2000. The NAMLEX index of subject terms can be viewed as a separate document.
NAMLEX- Index to the Laws of Namibia
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