Resource guides and directories

Locating Foreign Civil Codes

Online guide to researching foreign civil codes written by Lyonette Louis-Jacques who is Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School D'Angelo Law Library. The guide was published in August 2016 on The author explains what a civil code is and provides information on various finding tools to help the legal researcher identify civil codes and guidance on how to use them. The guide refers to both free and subscription sites.

Mecha Justice: When Machines Think Like Lawyers

Online guide to robotics, technology and the law written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published in September 2016 on The author identifies and provides abstracts to books, reports, scholarly articles, organisations and events looking at the future of law and addressing questions such as ‘Can robots be lawers’. Links are provided to full text resources where available. (Law Library Resource Xchange) is a free online web journal for legal information professionals.


The LandWise website is hosted by Resource Equity, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to advance women's right to land and resources. The database brings together legal materials, including codes, constitutions and legislation, as well as reports and articles relating to women’s land rights. Content can be searched by keyword and filtered by language, jurisdiction or material type. The full text content can be downloaded or viewed on the original website. A selection of practice guides focusing on land and property rights in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is also provided.

Pain Science and the Administration of Justice

Online guide looking at the study of pain and its significance for the administration of civil and criminal justice written by Ken Strutin who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association. The guide was published in June 2016 on The author identifies and provides abstracts to medical and legal books, reports, guides, scholarly articles and news stories focusing on pain. Areas covered include pain management and the effects of imprisonment on pain. Links are provided to full text resources where available.


The Aviation.EU website provides free access to aviation information from international, European and national legal sources. Details are given for international treaties and cases, European directives, regulations and cases and other documentation. Links to national legal materials are also given for a range of jurisdictions. The site is edited by legal academics at the University of Southampton and aimed at practitioners, students and researchers and anyone interested in aviation law.

International Commercial Contracts

Online guide to the major primary sources for international commercial contracts, written by Cyril Emery, who is Legal Officer and Librarian for the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. The guide was published in 2016 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides an introduction to and definition of international commercial contracts.

Malawi Legal Information Institute

The Malawi Legal Information Institute (MalawiLII) provides free online access to Malawian legal information. In particular MalawiLII offers full-text versions of legislation and judgments from the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal, The High Court and the Industrial Relations Court. MalawiLII is a member of the Free Access to Law Movement (FALM), an international voluntary association of legal information institutes committed to providing free access to law.

Samoa Legal Information Institute

Website of the Samoa Legal Information Institute (SamLII), which was set up to provide free access to Samoan primary legal materials. Full-text judgments from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, Family Court and other courts are provided along with selected Samoan legislation and court rules. The site is administered by American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative and supported by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Liberia Legal Information Institute

The Liberia Legal Information Institute (LiberLII) provides free access to Liberian primary legal materials. The site was established in 2011 and is administered by the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law in Monrovia with technical support provided from the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). Resources available on the site include: full text versions of the 1847 and 1984 constitutions; Supreme Court decisions back to 1861; the Liberian Code of Laws Revised and a selection of resources from the James A. A. Pierre Judicial Institute.

Zimbabwe Legal Information Institute

Website of the Zimbabwe Legal Information Institute (ZimLII), which provides free online access to a range of Zimbabwean legal materials. Included on the site are full-text judgments from the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Harare High Court, Bulawayo High Court and the Labour Court. The Laws Of Zimbabwe are also given along with electronic versions of the University Of Zimbabwe Student Law Review Journal and the Midlands State University Law Review Journal.

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