Resource guides and directories

Landlord Law

Website of Landlord Law, a subscription website produced by Tessa Shepperson, a solicitor based in Norwich specialising in residential landlord and tenant work. The site has sections for landlords and tenants, together with information about tenancy agreements, rent arrears and eviction. There are also links to housing cases and legislation. Free content includes feature articles on specific aspects of landlord and tenant law, a questions and answers page, news stories and book reviews and Law Commission documents focusing on housing law reform.

Iraq Military Law

List of online legal resources covering aspects of Iraq's military law, produced by Worldlii (World Legal Information Institute) a legal information portal. Includes links to all UN Security Council Resolutions, resources dealing with the legal issues surrounding an attack on Iraq, links to information about weapons inspections, Iraq military related websites and to United Nations Special Commissions websites like UNMOVIC and UNSCOM.


Website of LawNet, a legal research website produced by the Singapore Academy of Law. The site provides a range of legal information, by subscription, including case law of Singapore and Malaysia, Singaporean legislation, parliamentary reports, treaties and commentary.

The Posse Comitatus Act: a resource guide

Feature article about the Posse Comitatus Act 1878, by Stephen Young, a law librarian at the Catholic University of America. The Act is a US statute which prohibits the use of the Army or Air Force to enforce the law. The article looks at the history of posse comitatus in English and American law and provides background information regarding the application of the Act in the United States. It includes a bibliography of statutes, congressional documents, regulations, landmark judicial decisions and secondary sources.

Website of a site providing articles and legal information on divorce in the United States produced by LawTek Media Group, LLC. Legal resources are arranged by state and contain legislation, judicial opinions, bar associations, articles, bulletin boards and local lawyers. Other topics covered on the site include mediation, insurance, bankruptcy and military divorce. These sections have articles, books, FAQs and links to relevant organisations. Questions relating to divorce can be posted on the site and are answered by divorce, counselling and tax experts.

Senior Law

The Senior Law website is produced by US law firm Goldfarb Abrandt Salzman & Kutzin LLP who specialise in elder law and the rights of the elderly and disabled. The site provides links to legal resources covering elder law, elder abuse and neglect, nursing home law, Medicaid information, Medicare and social security information. There are links to general resources including Federal Courts, federal statutes and regulations, state law links, legal gateways and sites dealing with care of the elderly and geriatrics.

National Health Law Program

The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) describes itself as a "national public interest law firm that seeks to improve health care for America's working and unemployed poor, minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities." The website has sections covering child health, Medicaid, Medicare, health disparities, reproductive health and rights and government accountability. The sections include links to relevant organisations, reports, decisions, news and policy documents.

Absolvitor : Scots Law Online

Absolvitor is a free Scottish law portal produced by Iain Nisbet, a partner at Govan Law Centre. The home page comprises a blog on up to date legal issues, including archive of previous posts, and links to key Scottish government and legal sites. An Articles page gives full text access to articles on a variety of legal topics specially written for the site. There is a Directory of Scottish law firms searchable by name, location or area of law, and a section aimed at law students giving links to Scottish law schools.

China Today: Law and Justice

China Today is an online gateway to sources of information about China maintained by InfoPacific Development Inc. (IPD) Canada who are based in Beijing and Shanghai. The Law and Justice page of China Today provides links to a selection of Chinese laws and regulations translated into English, legal news stories and blogs focusing on Chinese law. There are links to sources of intellectual property information, to law and justice in Hong Kong and to other websites giving access to Chinese law.

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