Professional organisations


LawHelp is a legal information site for the general public in the United States, hosted by Pro Bono Net (a US association for pro bono lawyers). It covers legal aid and pro bono legal services and provides guides to the law. Resources are organised by state and include information on legal rights in the areas of employment law, family law, human rights, immigration, consumer issues, taxation, housing and public benefits. 

Bar Standards Board

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) regulates barristers in England and Wales. Its areas of responsibility include education and training requirements for barristers, setting standards of professional conduct and handling complaints against barristers. Its website provides information for barristers and the general public, including details of the qualifications required to become a barrister, advice on how to make a complaint and information about continuing professional development.

Sports Lawyers Association

The Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) is a US-based non-profit international professional organisation. Its website has details about the association and its officers, conferences and publications, including The Sports Lawyer Journal and a sports law blog. Some areas of the site are restricted to members only; this includes pages providing specimen contracts and agreements.

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) a not for profit human rights organisation whose central aim is to promote human rights in Zimbabwe. The site gives details ZLHR's litigation and advocacy work and provides news of its recent human rights cases. The Resources section includes policy papers, reports, studies factsheets and other ZLHR material.

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Website of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which regulates solicitors in England and Wales. The site provides news, information and documentation for solicitors, the general public and those interested in qualifying as a solicitor. It includes a register of regulated solicitors, guidance on choosing and using a solicitor, and information about claiming compensation for money owed by a solicitor.

Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota

The Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota is a non-profit organisation for legal, financial other specialists providing a collaborative approach to family law disputes. Its website explains what collaborative law is, outlines the roles of different collaborative law professionals and gives details of the services offered by the institute. There is a divorce information pack, a set of links to organisations dealing with domestic violence, and a list of recommended reading - for adults, children and teenagers - on the subject of divorce.

American Judges Association

Website of the American Judges Association (AJA), an independent organisation for judges from all jurisdictions in the United States and Canada. Has information about officers and t committees and provides publications including the periodical, Court Review, a briefing about procedural fairness in drug-treatment courts, and guidance for judges dealing with domestic violence cases. There is also a collection of training webinars for judges.

NCSC International

Website of the international arm of the independent American organisation, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). NCSC International provides technical support and training to courts in other areas of the world, seeking to improve the quality and administration of justice and strengthen the rule of law. The site gives an overview of NCSC International's programmes in different parts of the world and provides reports and videos about a small number of them.

Asian Patent Attorneys Association

Website of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA), an NGO that seeks to promote intellectual property protection in the Asian region (including Australia and New Zealand). The site provides a newsletter and gives details of APAA committees and regional groups, a history of the organisation, and details of conferences and meetings. Parts of the site are restricted to members.

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