Journals contents and abstracts

Stanford Law and Policy Review

The Stanford Law and Policy Review is an academic journal concentrating on issues of law and public policy published twice a year by the law students of Stanford Law School. Each issue contains a Symposium of 6 to 12 articles on one specific topic along with additional feature articles on different topics. Themes of past issues have included law and technology, law of democracy, gun control and same sex marriage. Titles, subscription information and details of the Editorial Board are provided on the site.

Oil, Gas and Energy Law

Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL) is a subscription service aimed at the energy industry and legal practitioners. OGEL aims to provide a global overview together with critical analyses of the issues and developments surrounding regulation in the oil-gas-energy field. Issues of the OGEL Journal are available in full text for subscribers. A collection of legal and regulatory materials including laws, regulations, contracts and guidelines are available to search or browse by country or topic.

Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law

The Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law is a referreed journal that aims to explore legal problems and issues in the context of energy and natural resources law. Aimed at practitioners and academics in the field, the journal seeks to cover key areas in the field: oil and gas law, mineral law, coal law, water law and renewable energy law. The journal, produced by the International Bar Association (IBA), is published quarterly. The site offers subscription information and guidelines for authors. There are links to other publications published by the IBA.

Singapore Journal of Legal Studies

Website of the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, a peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law at the National University of Singapore. The SJLS focuses on legal developments in Singapore, Asia and other common law countries. The site provides abstracts of articles back to 1991, contents pages back to 1959 and selected full-text (PDF) available from 2004 onwards. Recent articles have looked at the use of trusts in Asia, enforcing corporate disclosure, transnational crime and the rights of users in works protected by copyright.

Singapore Yearbook of International Law

Website of the Singapore Yearbook of International Law (previously the Singapore Journal of International and Comparative Law), published by the Faculty of Law at the National University of Singapore. The series covers all aspects of international law, with a particular emphasis on South-east Asian law. The contents pages of every issue are provided on the website; from 2004 onwards, selected articles are available in full.

Trusts and Trustees

Website of Trusts and Trustees, a monthly journal published by Oxford University Press, providing information and comment for trust and investment advisors. The website has the journal's contents pages back to 2001, brief summaries of articles and selected full-text articles. There is also a selection of summaries of court decisions relating to trusts. Contact details are given for trust advisors in various jurisdictions along with subscription information and details of the journal's editorial advisors.

Berkeley Journal of International Law

The Berkeley Journal of International Law (BJIL) is published three times a year by students at Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. It covers public and private international law. Recent articles are made freely available on its website, together with details of the editorial and advisory boards, information about BJIL's annual symposia and a set of links to international law websites.

Women and criminal justice

Women and Criminal Justice is a journal published by Routledge. It publishes scholarly interdisciplinary and international research, iincluding both qualitative and quantitative studies, for academics and professionals. Tables of contents and abstracts from 1989 onwards are available, and users may register to access a sample copy. Access to full-text articles is for subscribers only, although it is possible to purchase individual issues.

Chicago Journal of International Law

The Chicago Journal of International Law (CJIL) is published twice yearly by the University of Chicago Law School. It is an interdisciplinary publication covering international law and policy. Contents pages for every issue of the journal are available on the CJIL website and abstracts are provided for most of the earlier articles, but the full text is only available with a Westlaw subscription. The website also gives details of the CJIL Management Board and staff members.

Wisconsin Lawyer

The Wisconsin Lawyer is the monthly publication of the State Bar of Wisconsin (WisBar), the body representing members of the legal profession practising in the state of Wisconsin in the United States. Contents of the journal, and some abstracts and full text, are available back to 1997. Back issues can be searched by date or topic. Feature articles focus on Wisconsin law and legal developments. The site also includes subscription details.

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